Tara Tober
90 reviews

SOC1 . Tober T L 4 Years Ago

Tober is a great, engaging lecturer. The material is interesting but can be a lot. Her exams were mixed multiple choice and free response when I took her class (Spring 2020). Got the grade I got because my TA wasn't the best grader :/

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SOC1 . Tober T L 4 Years Ago

One of my favorite classes at UCSB so far. Dr. Tober is so knowledgeable about sociology and the course content is extremely engaging. If you're thinking about taking her class, do it! It's one of those classes that opens up your mind and shows you how the world really works. Amazing professor, amazing class.

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SOC185S . Tober T L 4 Years Ago

by far my new favorite professor at ucsb! i suck at understanding theory but she made it soooo much easier with her explanantions. a few short reading journals due every week but they are interesting so it's not too bad. midterm is a paper and the final is an improved rewrite of the same paper. tober if you are reading this you are awesome!!

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SOC185S . Tober T L 4 Years Ago

she's a sweet professor & super understanding of students' situations. the reading journals can feel like a lot of work at times, but they are interesting when learning social theories. midterm was short answers, but she gives you the questions in advance so you can always go to office hours and she'll help you get it before the test day. take her!

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SOC134 . Tober T L 4 Years Ago

Easily my favorite lecturer that I have taken multiple classes with at UCSB. Keeps class engaging, interesting readings and videos, and super flexible concerning students and their worries. Typical workload for a sociology class, gotta work for that A but it isn't impossible to get.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Easy A class. Only negatives are that she takes attendance via TopHat which you have to purchase a membership from, along with buying the online textbook for 90$ which you have weekly quizzes on. The textbook is non-refundable, you cant even resell it since you use it through the pearson website.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Tober was a great teacher who used her lectures to encompass a variety of issues. If you keep up with the weekly reading quizzes, then her tests (midterm & final) will seem like complete common sense. I also appreciated that instead of assigning large essays, we just had to turn in two smaller assignments which both had clear and easy directions.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Not a bad person, just a bad professor. Easy A class, terrible lectures. Speaks to students like children and views marginalized communities as statistics. Lots of breadth but no depth. Take for the grade, not for the content. Makes you buy her interactive textbook with weekly quizzes. Feels like busy work. Hated going to lecture. Uses TopHat.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

This class is NOT an easy A! I initially thought so - I did the weekly readings and quizzes in a timely manner. In general, I kept up with the material. I had a mid-range A in the class, and due to the unexpected difficulty of the final, my grade dropped and was not rounded up. Make sure you don't bomb the final! Good luck.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Tober literally opened my mind. Her lectures are great, the content is amazing. Midterm and final were easy and the 2 assignments were easy A's. After taking this class you will definitely come out with so much information that is important for ALL majors and in life too if you want to learn how to be a decent human. Highly recommend. Easy A

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SOC1 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Tober's lectures are always super interesting and insightful! Her humor made coming to lecture so much Fun-I would definitely recommend. She is very clear and makes the topics easy to understand. Read and study her book before exams and it'll be an A.

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SOC1 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

No papers.

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SOC122 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

A bit disorganized (often changes dates) but overall a good teacher. The content of the course is engaging and she is a pretty good lecturer. Read the book for the quizzes, go to class, and get feedback on your papers before turning them in!

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SOC122 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Professor Tober is definitely one of the best professors I've had in my entire 4 years of undergrad. She speaks very clearly and her lectures are always super interesting and insightful. She makes things very easy to understand, would definitely recommend her to anyone at UCSB! Not a super easy A but if you go to class you'll pass no problem

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SOC108C . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Dr. Tober is absolutely the best! I transferred in as a SOC major and was hating the profs in the department. She turned things around for me. She's passionate about the field and her research. Attendance is taken every week, 1 fairly easy online reading quiz per week, and final is a research project which includes every other week assignments.

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SOC122 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Dr. Tober is the best SOC professor I've had here at UCSB! Her lectures are awesome, so much so, that class time flies by. She's got a sarcastic sense of humor, which I loved. She does takes weekly attendance, one reading quiz per week which are pretty easy. Readings are manageable, 2 short papers, a book review, & take-home final. She's the BEST!

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SOC122 . Tober T L 5 Years Ago

Dr. Tober is an amazing professor and you can tell she is passionate about her teachings through her lectures. Always making jokes at the expense of her kids, keeps it light and breezy during class but takes attendance everyday. Two easy papers, one book review, and take-home final, TA grades everything. Would definitely take again!

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SOC122 . Tober T L 6 Years Ago

she is the best! class was not difficult at all. Theres two short papers (3-5 pages), one book review(midterm), and the final was a 3-5 page paper. She checks attendance. Also, there are online quizzes on reading but not difficult to pass them! Highly recommend her!

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