Wendy Meiring
38 reviews

PSTAT127 . Meiring W 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

The professor is a very very nice person. However, the course is taught superficially and moves very slowly. (6 weeks on glm, 2.5 weeks on ridge/lasso, 1.5 weeks on nonparametric methods) I also need to do a lot of repeated and really boring practice problems to do well on exams.

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PSTAT127 . Meiring W 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Clearly passionate about the subject but is an extremely harsh grader and stickler for notation. Expect to spend lots of time in office hours and study groups if you want to pass. Grading 15% quizzes (unlimited attempts), 20% homework, 20% midterm, 45% final

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PSTAT127 . Meiring W 2 Years Ago

Professor Meiring is a very nice person, but it felt like she was juggling many things at once. It felt difficult to get more than a surface-level understanding of the material and the final was worth 45% which made the class stressful. Luckily, the midterm and final were similar to the practices (which are previous exams) which was helpful.

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PSTAT127 . Meiring W 2 Years Ago

She is decent

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PSTAT127 . Meiring W 3 Years Ago

Course had some interesting concepts, but it wasn't taught practically. Textbook barely used here. Lectures could have concrete analysis after drawing figures in lecture instead of more sketches. Quizzes needed to be worth more too!

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PSTAT127 . Meiring W 3 Years Ago

Does not use a textbook. Setup was rough. Exams are tough. I thought I'd get an A.

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PSTAT220A . Meiring W 5 Years Ago

Caveat:2005. Too much theory and derivation. "Advanced statistical methods" should prepare students to get hired applying methods on the job, not to do research and develop methods. Too few methods covered because it went too deep. Whatever programming language is used for application should have a course and should be a prerequisite.

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220B . Meiring W 7 Years Ago

Should pay more attention to practical stuff rather than theories.

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PSTAT120B . Meiring W 8 Years Ago

Great professor. Office hours are a must! Hers and Ta's! Attendance for section and lecture is not manditory but very helpful. Always there for you outside of lecture and will take the time to explain things. She will stay longer than her scheduled office hours just so you will understand the material.

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PSTAT220B . Meiring W 8 Years Ago

She should NOT be teaching this class. While the hw was fair and midterm was ok, the final project had nothing to do with the class (2 little time to work on it too). Let alone the lectures never made sense. She needs to be better prepared and use a book atleast. A very frustrating class when it should not be.

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PSTAT120B . Meiring W 8 Years Ago

Talk to her; she'll help you out if you're struggling.

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PSTAT174 . Meiring W 8 Years Ago

Very nice & helpful lady. Has a lot of commitments and is very overwhelmed most of the time. Does not do a great job communicating main concepts but homework is manageable. Would take with a different teacher if possible, lectures are very dry and boring and midterm/final are very hard

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 9 Years Ago

The class wasn't too confusing, just have to spend some time on reading and trying to understand the materials on your own. Went to her office hours as well as my TA's, which are both really helpful. Another thing that helped a lot was signing up for CLAS, although it's for PSTAT 5A (but materials covered are pretty much the same)

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PSTATS5LS . Meiring W 9 Years Ago

She is super nice and friendly, as a person I love her... as a professor I found her lecures confusing, longdrawn out, and easy to get lost during. She does really try to make her self avaliable though if you need help. She really wants to help... she just doesn't lecture well. Her tests questions were fair but she put in ALOT of hidden tricks.

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 10 Years Ago

Wendy... oh Wendy... such a nice person, such a horrible teacher. DONT TAKE THIS CLASS. If you seriously have to, try to get a TA who is easy to understand.

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 11 Years Ago

Very nice and helpful professor. She goes out of her way to be available to her students. The material is taught quickly in this class, and she can be unclear at times. Make sure you speak up if you don't understand! I also suggest signing up for CLAS with Bihn!

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 12 Years Ago

This teacher suuuucks! She doesnt explain anything very well. She thinks everyone already knows the material, or experience in stats. When you ask a question in class, she never directly answers it. Her tests are trying to trick you, she "tests for understanding" not how good your calculator is. don't take it unless you're a math person.

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 12 Years Ago

This class is very difficult and dont take it if you can avoid it. She's nice, but she struggles to explain the material. Only take if youre good at teaching yourself all the material.

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 12 Years Ago

Seems to get confused about her own material a lot of the time. Slides are way too full of info and she goes through them too fast to tell what you need to take down. TAKE CLAS, I had Binh Pham for my PSTAT 5LS CLAS tutorial and he is amazing. Once we past the easy chapters, I learned everything in there and on my own.

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STAT5LS . Meiring W 13 Years Ago

you need to pay close attention to lecture. She is extremely helpful in office hours. Sections are pointless but you need to go and do work to get credit for them.

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 13 Years Ago

Not a very good professor. Slides have way too much information and the sample problems in class do not have any specific question. Tests asks mostly about concepts. Really did not enjoy the class.

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 13 Years Ago

Very intelligent and helpful professor, BUT very difficult to follow in class! MT1 was stupidly easy and MT2 was stupidly hard, made no sense. She ended up curving at least 20%. Practice tests were 10x easier than the actual midterms, but the final was just like the practice (probably due to the 55% avg on MT2) Overall not recommended.

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 13 Years Ago

Nice Lady but not a very good teacher! She constantly struggled to explain the material!! The text book that is used is also terrible!! If you struggle in any type of math do not take this class!!

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PSTAT5LS . Meiring W 13 Years Ago

Worst professor I have ever had. Slides have too much detail and constantly throw out information without explanation. Example problems do not ask a specific question and span multiple pages. Tests ask more if you understand the concepts rather than asking direct questions. If you can, avoid her at all costs!

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