Brian Wainwright
110 reviews

PSTAT5LS . Wainwright B 3 Years Ago

Easy to get an A since 50% of grade comes from weekly labs&quizzes(super easy). The practice tests for the midterm def did not match the difficulty. But the final was easy as it was just past questions. His lectures are so long&boring (not necessary to go to them at all). Also not necessary to read the textbook.

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PSTAT5LS . Wainwright B 3 Years Ago

50% of the grade is just labs and quizzes, which are easy because TA's are competent. The rest of the time is listening to the professor read off slides. Practice tests did not match difficulty of midterms and were pretty much useless, but at least the final reused many midterm questions.

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PSTATS5LS . Wainwright B 3 Years Ago

So happy I never have to see this man again. entire class struggled with him and his teaching. Lectures are very boring. he literally reads right off the slides. makes the entire class hard to understand and is very passive aggressive and not helpful at all. he changed the grading scale to anything below 69 is failing and there is no curve. Sucky.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 3 Years Ago

It was an average class where you take it to meet the pre-req and get out. The class does take up a good amount of time. I didn't think the professor was bad as what some of the other reviews said. If you do all the homework problems, then the exams are very reasonable in difficulty. Show up to all the labs and discussion and it's 30% of the grade.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 3 Years Ago

The class wasn't a breeze, but for an online math class it was not too bad. The professor covered most of the relevant information and equations in his slides and the TA sections helped to show a wider variety of examples. 30% of your grade is for just being present at TA section and the tests should not be too difficult for someone who has studied

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 3 Years Ago

I wouldn't take this class again if you offered me $10000000000. Prof does not help you with anything, whether it's learning the material, asking for help, or needing some sort of flexibility. very sucky class

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PSTAT1O9 . Wainwright B 3 Years Ago

You have to dedicate a lot of time to this class. Both lectures and homework take a really long time which can be annoying when you have so much to do for other classes. Personally, I liked Wainright cause he was always helpful during office hours. I just wish my TA wasn't so rude. She was constantly passive-aggressive toward lab questions.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

Dr Wainwright is a very nice guy, lectures are comprehensive but a little bit too long, and this 5-unit class does take you a lot of time. 2 mandatory sections and 2 long lectures.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

not accommodating of students needs/life which should be a top priority during a pandemic and especially when teaching is limited by zoom

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

He actually listens to his students which is shocking, and adjusted test difficulty after everyone complained about the first one. He isn't a bad professor, but his lectures are very boring and he kind of rambles. He bases homework off the textbook, but I think the textbook does a better job at teaching the material so utilize that.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

The worst professor I've ever had. Trust me, you don't want to take his class. Doesn't care about his job- not accessible, lectures were horrible, and tests were nothing like the homework. There aren't enough bad words in the dictionary to describe this man. If you want to succeed- skim through lectures, do every hw problem, and practice A LOT.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

this class destroyed my will live and I am considering dropping out of the Econ major bc of him. Taught myself everything. Lectures are very boring/long/unhelpful. Had to learn everything from my T. A. I got a good grade but still despised this class. Unpleasant man, would not want to be his friend. so glad I never have to see his face again.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

confused as to why everybody is hating on him -- I thought he was super nice, and the material wasn't hard to understand. i never reached out to him for office hours but he always seemed really empathetic in his lectures online. No complaints.

0 helpful 3 unhelpful
PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

He is very lazy. Didn't answer emails in a timely manner during distanced learning, didn't communicate well with his TAs. Was also very inflexible and passive-aggressive in his emails. I agree that Wainwright gets on here and writes positive reviews about himself. I know 30 people who have had him and not one of them had anything good to say.

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

PSTAT109 online course was much easier than I thought it would be. Wainwright's lectures were straightforward and included examples of problems. The section labs were simple, too. The main problems students had, it seemed, were the midterms (not enough time) and practice midterms (didn't reflect the actual midterms). I fell behind but still passed

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

Pretty sure Brian writes all the 5 point reviews himself. Nobody respects him as a professor, please take a gap year to learn how to properly teach your students. One of the worst professors I have ever had. Just pray to the God you believe in that Brian is not the only professor teaching pstat109 during the quarter you take it!

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PSTAT109 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

You won't learn anything from prof Wainwright's lectures but he's hot af so you'll probably want to show up anyway!

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PSTAT10 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

Professor Brians quiz was very difficult. The mid-term exam showed questions outside the scope of the exam. After I spent 1/5 of the exam time and completed those questions, he skipped two questions when correcting. There was no extra credit or anything else. The short answer questions in Final are not simple, nor are they answered correctly.

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PSTAT10 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

Nice guy. The exams are easy, and the lectures are well organized.

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PSTAT10 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

If you pay attentions to the lectures and do some exercises before the exam, you will receive an A easily. I will definitely take his class again!

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PSTAT10 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

Lectures + labs + optional HW were all really great tools that helped to fully grasp the material. For a course requiring more experimenting, Professor Wainwright and the TAs were very accommodating when it came to clarifying questions and guiding people through confusing coding errors. Probably one of the better online lecturers I've encountered

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PSTAT10 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

I took PSTAT 10 this quarter with Brian and I really enjoyed his teaching. His lectures were clear, and concise. The labs correlated well with lectures and were doable, but the TAs were super helpful when we got stuck. His dry humor gets you through his lectures. Nice guy that cares about his students, and is very accommodating.

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PSTAT10 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

This was my second time having Brian as a professor. I didn't much care for him during PSTAT 109 although it was a fairly easy class but really enjoyed him for PSTAT 10. He really does care about his students and will go the extra mile to make sure you understand the material if you reach out to him.

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PSTAT10 . Wainwright B 4 Years Ago

Given the situation of an online quarter, I think Professor Brainwright handled it really well and made adjustments that helped the students a lot. His lectures were easy to follow, quizzes were a little tricky but the midterm was easier. Labs could vary in difficulty but most of them were easy.

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