Ernest Freund
200 reviews

PHYS6A . Freund E G 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I enjoyed his lecture humor and demos a lot. Most of his teaching is completing examples in class. Your overall grade will be determined mainly by tests, and his practice problems are very similar to quizzes and exams, so do them. I wish there were solutions to the practice problems, but repeating all practice problems multiple times helped.

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6A . Freund E G 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Freund is one of the most caring professors I've had. I ended up having to retake 6A and he was with me every step of the way. He was helpful, kind, and made himself accessible for whatever the students needed. His lectures are a little scattered, but I highly recommend him for the physics series! Such a sweet man and a good professors overall.

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6B . Freund E G 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Freund made physics really enjoyable. We had 2 midterms, quizzes for each module, and a final. He only includes question types that are included in the practice material/quizzes and he has a ton of practice midterms and finals. He made physics as stress-free as someone can make a physics course.

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PHY6A . Freund E G 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

great professor. his lectures are a little disorganized, but his personality makes time fly! I thoroughly enjoyed his class and his exams are carbon copies of his practice exams!

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6B . Freund E G 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Easily one of UCSB's best. He is absolutely hilarious, loves all his students, is easily approachable and accessible, and will never throw you any curveballs. His tests come directly from his practice exams - my friends and I are convinced it is literally impossible to get below an A in this class if you do the practice problems. LOVE him!!

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6B . Freund E G 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

I took Geller for 6A and and struggling a little bit so I switched to Freund for 6B and it was the best decision ever. Freund is kind of quirky so his lectures are amazing and really funny, but he's also just really kind and caring and made physics feel a lot more accessible and easy. If you have to take the physics series do it with Freund!

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PHYS6ABC . Freund E G 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Great guy. Made physics better than I thought it would be. Do your quizzes and practice problems and you are set.

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6A . Freund E G 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

honestly really funny and amazing teacher

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6B . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

The class isn't necessarily easy, bc it's physics, but he makes physics way more fun than I thought it could be. His humor is awkward and hilarious--the only reason to go to class, since his lectures are posted online. Highly recommend visiting office hrs regularly. Don't wait until the day before a test to go bc there will be a line out the door.

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PHYS6ABC . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

He's very funny and great to ask for help from :) Apart from Phys 6A, all the Phys 6B & 6C notes and lectures are posted online, allowing you to learn at your own pace. I found it easier to watch these 5-20 min videos than to attend lecture, since he goes on tangents and does too many examples. As long as you grind practice exams, you'll do great!

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PHYS6ABC . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

Take the PHYS6 series with Freund! He makes it very clear that in order to do well you need to understand his quizzes and practice exams; if you do these problems repeatedly with a general understanding, you are literally guaranteed at least B+. He's really nice and cares about his students as well. Definitely take over Geller!

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PHYS6AB . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

He's a funny guy and really cares about his students. Don't be afraid to approach him. Office hours rlly helped me understand the topics and took my grade from a B in 6A to an A in 6B. Lectures are hard to follow sometimes but he has to simplify tough concepts so it's understandable. Overall great prof! Have to put in some effort for an A though.

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PHY6A . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

Very enjoyable experience, one of my favorite professors at UCSB. Funny lectures, sometimes goes on tangents and falls behind, but doesn't put it at the expense of students. You're tested on what he tells you in lecture. Nothing else. Homework is nothing like exams, practice exams are carbon-copies of the tests. Go to office hours if you're stuck!

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6A . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

Freund super super funny, definitely has super bad ADHD tho. Phys is just hard but if you study youll do fine.

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6B . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

I had Freund for 6A/B and he was great for both! 6A is definitely harder, but in terms of both courses, as long as you know how to do his practice tests and quizzes (and I mean really know how to do those questions) you will do great on the exams :)

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6A . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

Freund is so nice and helpful, especially if you ask him questions. His lectures might be a little disorganized, but he ultimately does a good job of explaining things and has good practice problems available. You definitely have to go to lecture tho to keep up. Overall, he's really nice and knowledgable –– def recommend!

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

Fruend is a really nice guy and his demos are pretty fun and exciting. Lectures can be a bit everywhere at times and unorganized. You will basically have to put in work outside the class and teach yourself. Understand how to do practice exams thoroughly as his final was similar. Averages were very low but VERY GENEROUS CURVE THANK U FRUEND!

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PHYS6A . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

Lecturing style isn't the clearest, but his practice tests are basically identical to his exams so it's not hard to do well in the class anyway.

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6A . Freund E G 2 Years Ago

DONT take him! Extremely disorganized and makes learning physics so much harder than it has to be. He uses no notes or ppts (used previous students' notes to teach off of when ppl complained) and just starts writing randomly on the board. If you skip class you'll have no idea what's going on. Hw is really hard and irrelevant to tests. Take Geller!

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PHYS6B . Freund E G 3 Years Ago

The fact that quizzes were over 75% of the grade definitely made it hard to get an A if you aren't totally zoned in and focused for the whole quarter. The lectures were solid though, and he did do a small curve to help people who were borderline. I think he's a good prof and likely would be even better in person.

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6B . Freund E G 3 Years Ago

(taken online) The majority of course (76%) is 20 quizzes, lowest dropped, two a week. Quizzes were similar to the practice problems he provides but he usually adds a problem that was more difficult and if you got that one wrong you would get an 80% on the quiz (quizzes had 5 ?'s). Made it difficult to get an A. Overall fair and decent lecturer.

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6B . Freund E G 3 Years Ago

Take 2 quizzes a week (20 in total) & worth 76% of your grade. Each quiz has 5q so make 1 mistake and its 80%.Def learned more from Freund than Geller BUT as someone who didn't have any past knowledge of physics from HS, it was rlly hard to do well in the quiz since he had organized but very short lectures which made it hard to grasp the topics.

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6B . Freund E G 3 Years Ago

The class structure was pretty straight forward with quizzes making up 75% of grade, and the rest is by sapling homework. The bad thing about this class is that there's only 5 questions for each quiz, leaving no room for mistakes. I feel that the professor could've been more compassionate with the quizzes + grading . 6A (online) had fairer quizzes

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6B . Freund E G 3 Years Ago

Structure of this class is really bad. Most of your grade is the module quizzes which are only out of 4 points, so making mistakes isn't really an option. He is decent at lecturing but class structure could be made a lot more fair.

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