ME 210D
Paul Atzberger
54 reviews

MATH4A . Atzberger P J 6 Years Ago

You can get pretty good grade if you do the practice exam carefully because they were almost the same but only small difference between numbers. Not good at teaching and just reading his ppt which almost the same as textbook.

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MATH4A . Atzberger P J 6 Years Ago

Nice guy, mediocre professor. Hw can be difficult but he extends it. Would recommend buying a chegg subscription for it. I stopped going to lecture after the midterm, you honestly dont need to go. He makes things too hard to understand, esp at 8am. Posts study guides which mimic the tests exactly. Easy tests, easy A. You just might not learn a lot

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MATH4A . Atzberger P J 6 Years Ago

Everyone here giving Atzberger a hard time are terrible people. Be honest, this class was an easy A and one could learn all the materials just by doing the homework and doing simple google searches. However, he was not the best lecturer to be honest. He kind of made every concept a lot more difficult than it was. Easy A if you take time to learn.

3 helpful 5 unhelpful
MATH4A . Atzberger P J 6 Years Ago

Haven't gone to class since Week 3 -- his lectures are more confusing than helpful, discussing more theory than practical usage. He's a researcher told to teach, so he's not exactly good at teaching people. Homework due once a week (again, he's not used to teaching, so they all got pushed back)... you have to learn the material yourself though.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH4A . Atzberger P J 6 Years Ago

I really discourage everyone from taking him at a undergrad level. He constantly discusses abstract concepts without even covering the basis to understand those concepts. Also he really likes to mention to the class that this material is important outside of class, but doesn't bother to explain why or how.

1 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH4A . Atzberger P J 6 Years Ago

Stopped going to lecture after the first week. Doesn't care about his teaching, extended every single homework at the last minute so you never knew when anything was due. There were always concepts on the homework that he hadn't covered yet so you have to go to CLAS drop-in or something to figure it out. Nonetheless, his exams are easy.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH4A . Atzberger P J 6 Years Ago

Probabaly the worst math professor ive ever had and didnt go to lecture after the first week but his tests are so easy as long as youre able to do the homeworks youre fine

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH124A . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

Assigned way tooo much homework, and never post slides online.

10 helpful 4 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

Materials are not difficult (I took AP Calc AB in high school), the materials were around INTEGRAL. 20+ questions for each homework, unlimited chances. Midterm and final were not too difficult because he went over a lot of examples in his lectures. No powerpoint lectures will be posted online!

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH104A . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

I actually really enjoyed taking Math104A with Atzberger. He responds to emails quickly, and he's actually a funny/nice professor. The homework always takes a long time to do as he assigns a lot, its usually tedious computations, and some coding, which is not too bad as the textbook provides the basic algorithm for you already.

0 helpful 5 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

His lectures were very hard to stay focused in. I was familiar with content from high school, but he still managed to confuse me. He is unintentionally goofy. Do the practice midterm and final, they'll help. Homework can be hard but he gives unlimited tries. Does random clicker questions and may throw in a section pop quiz.

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

Atzberger was a PAINFUL lecturer. If not for me taking calculus BC in high school, this class would have been way more difficult. He makes easy topics seem impossible. Honestly just look up videos online. Practice tests are EXACTLY like the actual tests. Show your work for partial credit, that'll save you. Clicker questions every once in awhile.

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

Lectures are very difficult to understand. He makes topics much more difficult then they really are. Doesn't respond to students very often. The midterm was graded in way that hurt most grades. The homework is usually pretty difficult.

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

Overall I'd recommend Atzberger. He's kind, funny, helpful, and has reasonable tests with helpful study guides. Nitpicks: he takes too long to solve example problems. Adding 10 extra steps doesn't clarify the logic; it's just harder to follow. Some webwork problems seem unnecessarily difficult. Also Nathaniel Schley is the best math TA ever

1 helpful 7 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 8 Years Ago

He goes on and on talking about the definitions and concepts of calculus. For instance, it took 45 minutes to do two examples. You rather skip class and sleep in then learn in his lectures if you took calculus in high school it is more helpful reviewing your high school calculus notes then go to his class, so basically self study.

3 helpful 2 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 9 Years Ago

His lectures are confusing and boring. His midterms are easy and are similar to his practice ones. His final is difficult, but is mostly similar to his practice one. He seems willing to help.

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MATH3B . Atzberger P J 9 Years Ago

He is the hottest calc professor I've ever seen . He tells the best jokes. If I could I would marry him lol jk .... kinda. The class was relatively easy :)

0 helpful 3 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 10 Years Ago

Yes, its true what most people have been saying, his lectures are confusing especially at the times when he had trouble bringing up his powerpoints. Although he is inconsistent with his organization, he gives examples that were really helpful. Also, the study guides that he posts are exactly like the midterms so theres no way of failing.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH199A . Atzberger P J 10 Years Ago

Lectures were confusing, whole course seemed to lack structure, discrepancy between lecture material and homework assignments, prof blocked his own board work, grading was at least lenient

3 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 10 Years Ago

super cheesy and a great professor. just show up to class and you'll pass!

0 helpful 2 unhelpful
MATH3B . Atzberger P J 10 Years Ago

Teacher is not as bad as everyone says. He is a little awkward and can sometimes be disorganized but he is a really good teacher and I learned a lot. He is nice and helpful during office hours too. It's a really easy class. Practice midterms are exactly the same as test so if you skim those, it's impossible to fail.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH3 . Atzberger P J 12 Years Ago

Very nice, reasonable guy. Practice midterm and practice final were very similar to actual exams. Very nice and willing to look over exam questions you think were misgraded. Really tries to help with homework problems. A bit disorganized and sometimes makes concepts sound more difficult than they actually are. Homework is straight from textbook.

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MATH3C . Atzberger P J 12 Years Ago

A truly terrible professor. No one goes to lecture because you can't understand what he's talking about anyway. Avoid at all cost.

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH3C . Atzberger P J 12 Years Ago

Abysmal professor who needlessly complicates the material. Carries on endlessly about trivial bits and glosses over important practical points. Try to avoid this one, but the material for 3C is easy enough so that with a decent TA you should be OK. If you have a bad TA, definitely do CLAS.

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