Seng Low
215 reviews

MCDB1B . Low S H 2 Years Ago

I had Low online and her lectures were better than Finkelstein, but by no means were they amazing. She asks for very specific answers on her exams. I definitely recommend CLAS, it's a great way to review processes especially before an exam. Put in the work now in animal physiology, because once plant physio hits, it's harder to recover.

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MCDB1B . Low S H 2 Years Ago

Lows exams are literally impossible. I reviewed the lectures several times and even read the textbook thoroughly. She included content on the exam that she explicitly said we wouldnt be tested on! Had to drop this class and will take it in the summer with hopefully a better and more fair teacher

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MCDB6 . Low S H 2 Years Ago

Overall, I found this class to be intolerable. I would choose to take classes with any other professor but that was not possible. Majority of your grade is based entirely on test. There was a small extra credit opportunity that saved me from a C. I found the test to be extremely difficult and often not on material in lecture or the book.

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MCDB6 . Low S H 2 Years Ago

Shes a super sweet professor! Her lectures basically just go through what youre reading in the textbook but in less detail so I highly recommend getting the textbook and taking detailed notes on it. Her tests are really hard and very conceptual but she was still a good teacher and the class averages were always reasonable.

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MCDB7 . Low S H 2 Years Ago

Prof. Low is great! She is caring and funny and her lectures aren't too difficult or boring. Our entire grade is made up of a midterm, a final, and a few quizzes, but the curve is pretty forgiving. Her tests are pretty hard though, but she is a great prof.!

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MCDB111 . Low S H 2 Years Ago

In-class lectures too dense and fast to accurately take notes, watching recordings is necessary. 1.15 hour lectures became 4-6 hours straight of recorded lecture note-taking twice a week due to 25+ slides of block text and figures that you must know. Exams have horrible point distributions per question and are poorly worded. Quizzes are a coinflip.

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MCDB1B . Low S H 2 Years Ago

I loved Dr. Low's class! I took her in summer session B. I enjoyed it when she became passionate when covering something she has a special interest in and when she ate snacks in the pre-recorded lectures. She's a quirky professor (which I love) and her exams inspired me to double my effort. Take her and you'll never regret!

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MCDB1B . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Professor Low clearly does not know how to write proper and fair exams that encourage critical thinking in biology students. Her lectures are all over the place and she tests you on things that she will mention only in passing during a lecture video, so if you miss anything she says you will fail the exam. It's amazing how UCSB hires these people.

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MCDB1B . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Dr. Low is not as scary as people described. I took her MCDB 1B over the summer and her lectures are kind of long but funny. Memorize her slides and do practice exams and then you will be fine. Make sure that you do the quizzes - that's a great boost of your grade!

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MCDB1B . Low S H 3 Years Ago

why does UCSB hire these people? seriously? worst professor ever. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. so disorganized, all over the place, convoluted, lectures make 0 sense. turns simple concepts into a complicated mess because she has no idea how to coherently teach a concept. PLEASE ORGANIZE YOUR LECTURES DR. LOW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. PLEASE HAVE SOME STRUCTURE.

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MCDB21 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

lectures covered difficult material very well, and prof low explained concepts several times to make sure the points got across. two midterms and a final which all included short answer portions, but study and they shouldn't be too bad. didn't use the textbook too much, prof covers most material in lecture.

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MCDB139 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Her lectures are extremely long and dense. The lecture slides are all over the place and you have to pay close attention on what she is saying because they will appear on the midterms/ final. Her teaching style is like "if this does that, then that does this." For the midterms and final, she does not give you a lot of time and harsh grader. 0/10

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MCDB34132 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Worst Professor Ive had yet. If it werent for Wilton in the second portion of the class, I would have definitely failed. Her lectures are very unorganized and she tests you on obscure facts. She cares more about making sure she weeds a bunch of people out of the biology major rather than actually helping us learn and succeed. Avoid at all costs!

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MCDB6 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

taken F2020 One of the worst professors ever. Does not care about students at all and shows no effort into teaching, she didn't even review her lectures before posting them when they were recorded precovid. Lectures were way too long. Contradicts herself in lectures and tests. Both midterms and final were ridiculously hard

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MCDB1B . Low S H 3 Years Ago

I personally didn't mind Seng Low and really liked her enthusiasm for the course. Her lectures were engaging and taught concepts in an understandable way but she moves through topics quickly (lots to cover in 1B). Her tests were fair if you knew the material well. This class is definitely a weeder class though, so join a bio mentor group or CLAS!

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MCDB111 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Low's lectures are hard to follow and the slides are poorly organized. If you want an A, you will have to write down EVERYTHING she says. Also, the test questions were vague at times to the point where you can't even understand what it's asking you. If Low just organized her slides and put more effort into making the exams she would be much better

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MCDB1B . Low S H 3 Years Ago

she doesn't answer all your questions thru email when you need help. she's super lazy and tests on things that she went over for 1 second. seng babe if u reading this, either make the tests make sense or dont teach at all, we don't mind :)

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MCDB6 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Just... don't. Unreasonably hard midterms and final, and they're worth almost all of your grade. She put little to no effort into the class and it was clear that her goal was to make the class as hard as possible, not to have her students learn. She expects you to know more than she teaches, so I recommend self studying from day 1.

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MCDB6 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Low is one of the worst professors I've faced at SB so far. I ended up getting an A just from watching + notetaking the lectures. You should write down every part of the slides and what she's saying out loud too. I took the class remotely bc of COVID, so open-notes were helpful during exams, but without that the class would've been 100x harder.

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MCDB6 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

She was a terrible professor and person. she completely disregarded the entire pandemic and didnt not care for students at all. this class was 95% based on test scores which didnt even match with the lectures. her exams were so specific yet her teaching was so vague since she was lazy enough to use previously recorded lectures. DO NOT TAKE LOW.

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MCDB6 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Gotta work really hard for it and had to self study almost all of it. On my part I hear she is good during office hours and her TAs were helpful. Her tests were very specific which made self studying the textbook a requirement to get an A. Her lectures and structure is confusing and largely unhelpful. Focus on textbook and OH if u wanna do well.

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MCDB6 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Online lectures are prerecorded from last year in class so they are very difficult to learn from. Lots of background noise and lecture doesn't match up with the slides she gives us. Tests are difficult and super specific. May be different in person, but it seems as though she put no effort into the class. Had to teach myself everything before exam.

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MCDB6 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

Truthfully, just dont.

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MCDB111 . Low S H 3 Years Ago

During OH, she's really chill and answers questions, but her tests really take you out. They demand an incredible amount of detail with little to no leniency for grading, and definitely not enough time to take it. Tiny things from lecture end up covering huge portions on the exams, so if you miss it, you're screwed. Nice person, not nice professor.

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