Elizabeth Digeser
107 reviews

HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

I'm a history major and I typically like all my history classes and my professors. I'm one of those people who will find something interesting in something typically boring. BUt she made me hate history. I dreaded going to that class.

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POOR . 19 Years Ago

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HIST113C . 19 Years Ago

I know this professor has had really bad reviews but I greatly enjoyed the UD class on Late Antiquity I took w/ her. She really enjoyed the subject and gave a packed but interesting and well structured lecture. I found her v. helpful outside the classroom, she was v. flexible. Really knows her stuff. Great for UD classes.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

AVOID THIS CLASS W/ HER. 10 page paper on the worst topic ever, SO HARD. i got a C- on it so i thought i sucked, but got A-'s on both papers in my Hist4B class. so that paper will kill you. Taking notes in lecture is frantic your hand will die. Midterm/final are IDs and Essays. dont take this class.

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HISTORY4A . 19 Years Ago

OMG she is a horrible professor and this class is horrible. it is freakin hard and there is a lot of stupid reading. she is rude and treats her students like they are little children. choose another GE class. you have to do a lot of work for this stupid class.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

Seriously, WHO gives a midterm the day after halloween in UCSB?!?! Besides that, the class was annoying. Way too much pointless reading. If I were you, I'd avoid this teacher. Unless you're a history major or something, because Digeser DOES know her history. The class was just an annoyance.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

Ok lecturer but has many annoying traits and overloads the class with pointless reading. Also,made us take the midterm the day after halloween and refused to change her mind over this issue. Avoid this one,there are better teachers out there.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

Horrible lecturer, ridiculously annoying, assigns way too much reading, most of which you won't be able to relate to the material. Find another prof if you need to take this class

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

While she's a spaz, the class only 'seems' hard. I chose not to read basically anything except what was interesting (practically nothing) and I still managed a B in the class although I took it pass/no pass. Don't stress out all your Freshman, this is just the beginning, and it only gets worse.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

Too much reading crap. I did none and got an A. She thinks she hears people talking all the time (schizo?) and tells the class to quiet down -- a waste of time. Boo.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

She sucks!! Bad lecturer, pointless slides, tons of reading and her midterm sucked. I would avoid her like the plaque. Oh, and if you read this prof. D quit with the shishing were not in damn highschool.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

Prof was a decent lecturer and, although she said you had to do the 5 billion pages of reading, i did none of it and did ok in the class. going to lectures helps.. a lot in this class. Avoid the class if you can.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

The reader is long and boring, and we have weekly homework assignments in my section. She is a good lecturer and presents the material clearly, although her slides are pointless and she does waste a lot of time for people to "quiet down." A bad class with an okay professor.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

So basically the teacher was fine, but in truth the worst part of the class was my TA he was horrible, so if you take this class, try not to get Brian!

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

shes a good teacher. although she quiets the class like were in HS, but the class is really easy just come every day skim thru the reader and dont read the text book everything is spelled out for u in the test. I got an A in the midterm. All u people complaining are procrastinators and idiots.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

most useless class ever. it should be a 5 unit class considering how much work is required. most of the work assigned is unnecessary anyways... the reader is just a waste of money and paper! and the outlines she posts online are so pointless. does she not realize that this is a lower division class?

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

She says too much "um"s. I've counted her saying 65 "um"s because her class is so boring. She should also use her time to teach rather than just waiting for us to be quiet, even though the class isn't really loud in my opinion.

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

All you kids complaining about her "hard" tests haven't taken a hard test yet. I mean come on, "pyramids" was on the midterm as an ID! She knows her stuff at least, and she has some flair for teaching the class, you people just see it as SHE EATS BABIES AND DRESSES LIKE A MAN!!

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HIST . 19 Years Ago

you're just a bunch of stupid kids and lazy asses. readings are just like stories, so easy stuff, no need to read at lenght, and overall she's an OK prof, lectures are clear

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HISTORY4A . 19 Years Ago

This is the hardest class that I have ever taken. SHe thinks she is above everyone else just because she is the professor. And plus, she dresses and looks like a man. Do not take this class ever!!!

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HISTORY4A . 19 Years Ago

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

AWFUL "Teacher"!!! Talks down to her students, reminds me very much of a hated middle school teacher (did they hire her from the local middle school?...I wonder)Midterm the day after halloween!!! useless readings, a 10 page paper! Pulls the midterm questions out of her ass! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

The stories of the baby eating should be taken seriously. Durring lecture once there was a faint cry of a baby in the backround and she stopped lecture and asked if anyone else had suddeny gotten hungry. I heard she has a 200 foot restraining order at elementry school and playgrounds. BAD TEACHER!

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HIST4A . 19 Years Ago

Probably one of the worst professors I've had here so far. Every lecture she takes the time to remind people to stop talking, not realizaing that she could be using the time instead to be lecutring us like she's supposed to. If you like taking tests the day after Halloween, take her class.

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