Lisa Jacobson
43 reviews

HIST175 . 17 Years Ago

I've taken 3 of her classes and she is a great professor. The readings are interesting and lectures are also. She usually gives take home exams, and while the questions are usually pretty in-depth and a little tough if you haven't done the readings or gone to class, she is very helpful if you go to her office hours with a rough draft or outline.

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HIST175P . 18 Years Ago

This research seminar was easy enough if you did the work. Some of the assignments may seem like busy work but helped to give direction to research anf final paper. You get as much out of the class as you put in, so expect to spend a lot of time on your paper.

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HIST175P . 18 Years Ago

This is a proseminar class and she has assigned reading and an extra paper. I feel like she gives us busy work that takes away from the paper topic. Also she is has a cold personality that I don't like or find helpful. Stay away from this teacher. I don't like this class at all, and its cause of her.

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HIST175B . 18 Years Ago

I found this class really interesting. The class was very fair, but as someone mentioned, she grades a bit tougher than normal on the paper assignments. Easy work-load but a lot load of [interesting] reading. 1 take home mid-term paper, 1 take-home final paper, 1 optional paper in between.

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166B . 18 Years Ago

Many detailed readings but mid-term and final questions are given ahead but hard grader! She expects details and explanations out of porportion during test time. Don't know how I ended up with B-

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HISTORY166B . 18 Years Ago

The class is very easy as long as you go to class. Lectures are clear and interesting. You are given the questions for the midterm and final ahead of time. I would take a class from her again!

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HIST166 . 18 Years Ago

ok she says um 1000 times a class and is the most boring lecturer ever! she gives the essay questions so u know what to look for in the 100000 pages of reading she assigned. worked and deserved an A got a B-. do yourself a favor and steer clear of thiscourse and this teacher!

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HISTORY166B . 18 Years Ago

Very clear. A bit of a difficult grader when it comes to papers and such. Pretty easy if you go to class; you're ****ed if you miss any class.

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What a bore

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175AB175P . 19 Years Ago


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HISTORY17B . 19 Years Ago

clear , to the point, power point helps, note taking is essential for her and her exams are fair.

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HISTORY17B . 19 Years Ago

Boring lecturer but honestly I went to maybe a total of five lectures and got a B+

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HIST17B . 19 Years Ago

Excellent teacher-clear and interesting lectures that don't bore you at all...don't really need to read the textbook, the readings are interesting, though. Two papers and a final. Final is essays. Definatly worth taking!

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HIST17B . 19 Years Ago

Dry...She's all about the "themes" of history. Clear and concise, but don't ever take her class if you can't write extremely well. Two papers and a two-essay final. No opportunity to just say what you know on a midterm or real final.

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HIST17B . 19 Years Ago

Dry speaker and not the most exciting history class. However, grades on no midterm, 2 papers, and an essay final. Not bad if you're a slick writer.

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HIST17B . 19 Years Ago

Very eloquent lectures that are very well put together and easy to follow. She has an interesting approach to history that makes it much more interesting. Less about who killed who and more about social issues. Tons of reading, but as much as is expected for a history class.

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HISTORY175D . 19 Years Ago

Lectures are very clear, powerpoint presnetations daily. Copy down all the notes in the powerpoint and you are pretty much guaranteed a B. Tries to involve the class which she does with relative success, but very logical and clear, lectures are never confusing. Hard paper grader.

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HIST17B . 20 Years Ago

Cool intersting topics are made in this class, cuz shes more like a sociological history prof..so it aint all cut and dry material...like to say "Absolutely" a lot...get a good TA...mine was so bad...i thought he was gonna go nuts and he wants t

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HIST17B . 20 Years Ago

Lisa Jacobson is a very clear, eloquent lecturer. Her lectures are very outlined and to the point. She isn't the most interesting prof in the world but the class is good. Two papers and a final for your grade. Vanessa Peralta is very nice + helpful as a T

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