Lisa Jacobson
43 reviews

HIST193F . 7 Months Ago

Took her for food history and she is a great lecturer. Interesting class and its clear she knows a lot about what she's teaching. Her reader was a much easier grader than her which was kinda annoying cause it was a 50/50 shot on who grades your papers but she's still a g.

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HIST193F . 9 Months Ago

Very fair grader, extremely accessible and understanding. Made boring parts of the course material more fun.

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193F . 2 Years Ago

Very organized and clear lectures. Only problem is she didn't like that I disagreed with her argument in one of my papers, which i think isnt very creative. But other than that super awesome, I learned a lot and I think everyone should take food history to understand our modern food systems, and how we got here. Never boring for one minute.

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HIST193F . 3 Years Ago

Lectures were what helped the most for what we were graded on (2 papers), as they were packed w all the info you could possibly need. She also tried to keep them at 25 min and posted on a schedule. A lot of EC offered (easy stuff), and go to office hours before essays, she is REALLY helpful. Weekly forums, 3 sent. each, just do the work!

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HIST176R . 3 Years Ago

The Drug and Alc Seminar sucked due to the amount of writing, reading, and research that was necessary. Prof Jacobson, however, was a great Prof and attempts to make it easier by having multiple steps. Seminars are req for grad so it's a necessary hell sadly but Prof Jacobson is a great choice all things considered.

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HIST175B . 4 Years Ago

I took history 175B with professor Jacobson. She is one of the nicest professors I have had in my three years at UCSB. Although the course was a little demanding she was very understand and truly wants the best for her students.

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HIST193F . 5 Years Ago

Professor Jacobson is amazing! Her lectures are interesting and she's very responsive over email. There was a lot of reading, but it was enjoyable (who doesn't enjoy learning about food?). Graded on 2 short papers, a final (2 essays), and participation. And she gives participation points for bringing food! Best class I've taken at UCSB!

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193F . 6 Years Ago

Prof Jacobson is super friendly but it was a pain having to sign in with a class of 150. She can be a little boring but the content is always interesting. She was always willing to help students with their papers throughout the quarter which was nice. The class was 2 papers, a final, and attendance/participation.

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HIST175B . 6 Years Ago

The best professor I've had at UCSB. She is incredibly intelligent, passionate and kind. Both classes ( 175B &D) had 2 take home essays (midterm & final) and a few small assignments here and there. Readings were not necessary but attendance and participation are INCREDIBLY important. She is always willing to read essay outlines before they're due.

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HIST175B . 6 Years Ago

Professor Jacobson is a great professor and is very helpful if you need her, during office hours or over email. Her lectures and gauchospace page are incredibly clear and easy to follow - makes note taking and essay writing so much easier! Get ready to read but mostly all interesting and easy reads. Take this class if you love history!

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HISTORY17B . 7 Years Ago

She was a decent professor. I go to lecture but never paid attention and did well. The work comes from section and it forces you to read. 2 papers were graded tough and the final was a lot of prep, but easy. You don't need lecture but the source reader and textbook are a necessity. Not a hard class

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HIST17B . 7 Years Ago

Really thoughtful and organized lectures. Class consists of two papers, section participation, and a final. Her paper prompts are pretty confusing and the criteria are a little unclear. Textbook is absolutely mandatory and expensive. Final is two essay prompts and she gives out possible questions a week in advance. Not too bad

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HIST17B . 8 Years Ago

Professor Jacobson has a tendency to read from the slides of her lecture, but when she elaborates lecture becomes 10x more interesting. Lectures are also posted online, so attendance isn't super mandatory, but I would recommend it considering lecture is only 50 minutes. The papers are a good portion of your grade so work hard on them!

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HIST17B . 8 Years Ago

Jacobson is overall a very good professor, besides the fact that her prompt writing skills are far from good. They are often muddled and never have a clear question in mind when focusing on thesis question, therefore, making it somewhat difficult to write papers. Two decent papers and a final with questions given before hand. Not too bad of a class

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HIST17B . 8 Years Ago

I thoroughly enjoyed Professor Jacobson's class and would recommend to anyone who enjoys the social/cultural side to US history. I always looked forward to lecture (section with TAs differ) and actually enjoyed the readings. Never read the textbook and it was never necessary. 2 papers, no midterm, one final of 2 essays and IDs. Definitely take!!

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HIST17B . 8 Years Ago

Professor Jacobson is the best professor I've ever had. She is INTENSELY intelligent, enthusiastic, and soooo organized. It's amazing how on top of everything she is. She is also incredibly kind, funny, and helpful. You will learn SO MUCH. Only 2 essays, no midterm, and a completely reasonable final. I can't recommend her enough! Take her class!!

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HIST17B . 8 Years Ago

Jacobson is extremely knowledgeable about the subject and gives interesting insights. You don't need the textbook, but you should go to lecture and take detailed notes because she pretty much lays out everything you need to know. She assigns two 5-6 papers and a take home final. If you must take a history class, I'd recommend taking this one!

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HIST17B . 8 Years Ago

Pretty simple class. TONS of reading to do with, if you fall behind you will fail the papers so try to read the books early on. Lecture slides are posted gauchospace. You do need to buy the reader though. 2 5-6 page papers based on lectures and novels. No midterm. Final is 2 essays but she gives you the prompts in class.

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HIST17B . 8 Years Ago

All in all a really cool professor. Sometimes the lectures get boring, but she is wicked smart and passionate about history so the information she gives you is invaluable. Powerpoints are really detailed (sometimes too detailed) but helpful. Lots of reading- both the textbook, a novel, and tons of primary source documents. No midterm, two papers.

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HIST175B . 10 Years Ago

Engaging lectures, addresses any student concerns amicably, and a fair marker. In terms of pure consummate professionalism, the best professor I had at UCSB.

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HIST197D . 13 Years Ago

LOVED her class! She's very relaxed, extremely knowledgable about the subject, super helpful & supportive, gets papers back very quickly! I took her DR so it was a LOT of reading that you have to do because the class is a discussion & participating is part of the grade. 3 short papers & 1 research paper. Can't wait to take her again!

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HIST175A . 15 Years Ago

Straight forward class. Lecture format with 3 papers only. No TESTS!! material is very interesting, but lectures can be dry sometimes. I would recommend the class though if your interested in the subject.

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HIST175 . 16 Years Ago

One of the best History professors I have had. Her lectures are interesting and well organized and she does a great job of bringing everything together. I cannot wait to take her again!

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HIST175B . 17 Years Ago

She is an excellent lecturer, really lays out the events and is a fair grader. I learned so much from her, but don't take her if you're not a history buff! If yoy love US history you'll never miss a lecture.

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