Elizabeth Digeser
107 reviews

4A . 6 Months Ago

Digeser wasn't the best professor, but she was pretty iconic. Her slides were unorganized, and she makes you take notes by hand, but the content was interesting. She assigned long readings from a textbook, but I still understood the content without doing the readings. If you don't mind taking hand-written notes, then this class isn't too bad.

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4A . 7 Months Ago

if you dont have to take this class DO NOT take it. i respect her as she is passionate about her work but the TA's are tough graders and is so lecture heavy. i went to every single one and still didnt get atleast a B. SO much reading too, even my TA told us he had trouble keeping up. please dont take unless you actually need to.

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HIST4A . 8 Months Ago

Professor Digeser seems very passionate about the material she teaches. She was very well-spoken, although I felt that sometimes her lectures were a bit boring since her slides were pretty vague. To do well in this class, do the readings. Having the textbook as an extra source for your papers and discussions will help you succeed.

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HIST4A . 8 Months Ago

Not necessarily hard but very lecture-heavy. The content was interesting, but the lectures were a bit hard to follow. Her slides don't have much information so you really have to pay attention to what she's saying, which is challenging to keep up with notes while she's talking. You can do well without reading the textbook if you take good notes.

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4A . 9 Months Ago

Unexpectedly a lot of work for a class that most people take as a GE. This prof makes you buy an 11-page reader for $5--seems like a waste of paper. The class is graded on participation, the final and midterm in-class essays, and a project. The TAs and professor graded the final and midterm harshly, and the lectures were boring.

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4A . 9 Months Ago

Everything is on paper so you need frequent printer access and all notes must be taken on paper and turned in. Kind of have to go to lecture because you have to turn in notes each week and the slides only have some information. TA literally makes your grade it varies so much based on who you have. Lectures are boring and seem like hours long.

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HIST4A . 9 Months Ago

Her slides were so disorganized and it didn't even have any relevance to the paper which made up 35% of our grade. She pretty much only puts names of historical figures and dates, but important information is based off a script she reads out loud instead of on her slides. There is a midterm, project, and final. PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS CLASS.

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4A . 9 Months Ago

This is not the best designed course (sections are awful) but lectures are well done. If you pay attention you should have a good idea of what will be on the exams but expectations are still confusing. There is a project where you have to write an essay on ChatGPT, but I expect that they'll get rid of it after receiving course feedback.

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HIST4A . 9 Months Ago

The professor is kind and is clearly very knowledgable but her class was very difficult. Lectures are boring and very hard to follow in my opinion.

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HIST4A . 10 Months Ago

I like the lectures but I like history so I can see how people taking this for a GE could be bored. She always answers questions during the lectures really thoroughly and politely without making you feel dumb. I get the handwritten notes, but her emphasis on physical copies in other areas gets annoying. Sections are fine but don't add much

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HIST4A . 10 Months Ago

I personally gave up on the reading entirely because it was not helping me understand anything. The professor is very kind. I've asked some "dumb" questions during lecture, but she has never seemed condescending or frustrated. She always makes an effort to make sure her students feel understood.

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4A . 10 Months Ago

so boring

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4A . 11 Months Ago

Manages to make super interesting content boring as hell. Insists on printing out readers and assignments seemingly for no reason other than an unwillingness to learn how to use online resources. Class is arbitrarily complicated when it could be simple and fascinating. Requires HANDWRITTEN notes from lecture. Terrible professor.

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HIST4A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

The professor was really nice and understanding, but her TAs made this class seem really hard and were harsh graders when it comes to the project. I did find tons of things that I leraned in this class quite interesting, so I think it would be a really fun class if you get good TAs.

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4A . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I really enjoyed Professor Digeser! She is cleary an expert in her field and her lectures are fun and engaging. I felt that the class was extremely easy, seeing that it is a GE. If you have a general understanding of how to write an academic essay, you will get an A. If you're at all interested in Roman history and want an easy A, take this class!

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2A . 2 Years Ago

She reported me as plagiarism to the school for just one sentence (20 words) of misquote. Although the school dismissed the allegation and stated that my behavior did not involve plagiarism, she still gave my midterm paper 0 points. Don't take this professor's class if you don't want to waste two weeks trying to prove your innocence.

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2A . 2 Years Ago

This is the meanest professor I have ever seen. She reported me as plagiarism to the school for just one sentence (20 words) of misquote. Although the school finally dismissed the accusation, she still gave my midterm paper 0 points. Don't take this professor's class if you don't want to waste two weeks trying to prove your innocence.

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HIST2A . 4 Years Ago

She's not awful, she's just boring. Luckily, the class content is pretty interesting if you're into history. Her lectures seem to drag on for hours because she's monotone, but my TA made everything incredibly fun and easy.

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HIST2A . 4 Years Ago

She's super sweet and my TA was an ANGEL and an easy grader. One or two short weekly readings. If you go to lecture you don't need to buy the textbook, she discusses everything. No exams, only two papers. Really liked her lectures and this class in general, which is saying something because I hate history.

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2A . 5 Years Ago

Excellent Professor. Definitely take if you are interested in studying the ancient world. Took as a history major but would have been excellent for anyone taking as a GE. She was always at office hours and extremely willing to answer any questions during class.

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INT84 . 6 Years Ago

Took her for an Honors Seminar. Pretty difficult, but it was a class that focused on her own research work, so she knew a lot and was very helpful. I guess many take her for History classes, like 2A. She focuses on Roman history, so 2A isn't her expertise. She expects a lot of students but also really cares.

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HIST2A . 7 Years Ago

Prof. Digeser is a very friendly person and really helps you out if you need it. The presentation slides do not help much, so it's really important to actually show up to lecture where she verbally gives majority of the information. Since the tests are essays, the overwhelming details given aren't so bad because you only need to know main ideas.

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HIST2A . 7 Years Ago

Lacks mastery of the subject matter involved in 2A. Therefore, she often "ums" and "errs" during lecture as she reads off the slides--which are themselves sparing in information. She's nice, but doesn't have many insights into the subject, which leaves the class lectures with a boring and vapid tone. She might be better in other classes, not sure.

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HIST2A . 8 Years Ago

Going in to class you may fall asleep, especially if the class was 75 minutes. Was not the worse class I've had here but you have to be able to listen well and take notes in order to succeed

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