Jarett Henderson
34 reviews

2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

The class is terribly thought out. The lectures mean nothing since the course makes no sense and he should plan the course and the classes better. The papers and instructions are confusing, and he takes sooooo long to grade it.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

There is literally no point in coming to his class. He lectures about random topics that have absolutely nothing to do with the assigned assignments. If attendance was not required there really would not be any point in coming. He doesn't teach.

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124A . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

Didn't expect his grading to be that harsh. The whole class was shocked. Also we had a small gp assignment and were given the option to present and were told it wouldn't penalize us. Nope. A guy had nearly the same exact thing as us but he printed it out on color and presented and got a way bigger grade so either he lied or color ink gets him going

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HIST141A . Henderson J G 5 Years Ago

Jarett is a great mentor and really good at teaching history in a thematical sense. Reading is critical, as most of his class is based on the readings, but he goes further and explains in depth much of the deeper themes and point of the readings. The final was very long but as long as you do all the assigned work, you'll be fine

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HIST141A . Henderson J G 5 Years Ago

Loved Jarett so much, he has a lot of youthful energy that he really brings into his class and makes the assignments and readings a lot more interesting than most other history classes. The work was pretty hard with two primary source essays that were graded pretty hard, as well as a 3500 word take home final.

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HIST141A . Henderson J G 5 Years Ago

Good God, if I knew how much reading there was for this class I would have dropped it sooner. 100+ pages of reading a week in addition to participation (20% overall) AND annoying nitpicky little assignments AND two 1000 word essays AND a 3500 word take home final WITH Chicago citations. He doesn't teach, he just has us regurgitate what we've read.

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HIST124A . Henderson J G 5 Years Ago

Jarett's class was admittedly difficult but if you're diligent with the readings and participation there is no reason you wont get a good grade. He is attentive, understanding, intelligent, and overall a really good guy but he does expect a lot out of his students. Read, stay focused, and GO TO OFFICE HOURS and you will pass.

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HIST124A . Henderson J G 5 Years Ago

Jarett makes you work for your grade. Theres 80+ pages of reading each week, 2 writing assignments and a take-home final, plus participation. However, he is super funny, kind, helpful, and passionate about history. The readings were interesting, and the lectures were fast but clear. Awesome class if youre willing to put in the effort.

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124A . Henderson J G 5 Years Ago

Can be hard to understand when it comes down to explaining things clearly. He is an overall good human being, but this class does have a lot of reading - which makes up the foundation of the class. The final is a paper worth 40% of the grade. Participation seriously matters. Make sure to read and take notes of the readings information.

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HIST124A . Henderson J G 5 Years Ago

Jarett's lectures are not organized and quite dull. He is an intelligent man but lacks the awareness, care, and organization to be a successful professor. If you decide to take a class with this him get ready for overnight pop quizzes, tough grading, ridiculous amounts of reading/homework, and a 25 page paper final. Also participation MATTERS.

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