Jarett Henderson
34 reviews

HIST9 . Henderson J G 4 Months Ago

Jarett is such a nice guy. He's extremely passionate and always super driven in class. Big emphasis on participation, he makes you fill out a participation sheet to rate yourself so be prepared to talk on readings for a good grade. Assignments were straightforward and structured. Course material was really interesting. Super super chill guy.

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HIST141A . Henderson J G 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I loved Professor Henderson!!! He encouraged questions and discussions, and is very passionate about teaching and history. Lectures seemed very thoughtfully organized, and readings were always interesting and manageable. He's very understanding and accommodating as well, which can be rare in the history department.

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HIST9 . Henderson J G 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Lots of group work and busy work, but that is because it was a lower division method class. Just wish he modified it a bit since everyone in the class was an upper div. J is a really nice guy, very passionate. Easy course, just lots of busywork. Prof definitely knows a lot abt the subject and cares abt your success

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124A . Henderson J G 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

I've been taking 101G, which is not listed as a drop down option here. 50-100 pages of reading a week, requires hard copies and a metric ton of redundant busywork. He makes you turn in notes in an arbitrary format that undercuts annotation. As a disabled student, there is also a lot of required movement in class. Ridiculous and frustrating Prof.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

3 things that rock: 1) no midterm, 2) optional final (can only increase your grade), 3) GREAT lecturer... clearly passionate and has presence when speaking 2 things that might make you reconsider taking this class: 1) super heavy on iClicker/section participation, 2) a lot of homework; history labs are sometimes tedious and seemingly unnecessary

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2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

People try to make this class much more difficult than it is. All it requires is effort to be put in and if you are unclear about something he is wonderful about getting back to you with assistance. seems intimidating during class but honestly really nice when you go to office hours

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

Obviously a great guy, and knows that people take his class just for the GE. Good amount of reading but he made the final OPTIONAL, like you only took it if you wanted to boost your grade.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

very nice guy, lots of homework but its super easy. he grades assignments on a pass no pass basis so be sure to submit them! easy GE class 10/10

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

Prof Henderson is super passionate about what he teaches! Amazing perspective of World History, interesting easy readings that keep your attention. You can choose how much work you put into the class. Make sure to keep up with the overarching concepts taught in the class, not necessary to memorize super-specific info.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

Wish I didn't take this class. He's very passive aggressive course becomes a lot harder than it needs to be. SO many silly assignments with confusing instructions. Even the TA's didn't know why he assigns certain things. I got an A, but was the most insufferable class ever. IClicker heavy. only good thing was learning about residential schools

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

The actual material is not that difficult; the lectures aren't too hard to grasp, but there are just a lot of history labs, section readings, and there are 2 historical analysis papers that required a bit of research. But other than that, it was eh. Very likeable prof, I'm just terrible at history so I wasn't the biggest fan of this class.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

I thought this class would be interesting, but I almost fell asleep every class. Jarett clearly cares about what he teaches, but his lectures are just so boring. There's a lot of reading every week, and you have to participate in sections which sucks. Grading is easy though. Would love to be Jarett's friend, but not his student again.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 2 Years Ago

I was excited for this class considering a few good reviews on here, but five weeks in and I'm already dying and lost. There is no structure to his lectures and that ends up making the content feel extremely confusing since there is no clear topic that we ever focus on. The readings are way too long and the work load is way too much. DO NOT TAKE IT

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 3 Years Ago

Avoid this course unless you need to take it. Professor's passionate about the course but the workload is a lot. Weekly responses, section, podcast quizzes, time-consuming lab projects, more blog inputs, and a 3,000 total word final. All graded oddly. The message of this course could have been driven home without half of the assignments.

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HIST141C . Henderson J G 3 Years Ago

Don't understand all the bad reviews are for Prof. Henderson. He is a really nice guy and you can tell he cares about his students. Class was well structured and the work load was really manageable if you keep up. Readings could be a bit long and dull, but nothing too bad.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 3 Years Ago

I really don't like history, but Henderson brought a really interesting perspective on the topic of world history. You can tell that he is passionate about his class and I would suggest his classes to anybody that's into history. That being said, if you don't like history, this class will be a lot of work for you.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 3 Years Ago

Yes, there is a lot of readings but if your space out the time you should be good. He is very caring for his students, provides enough information and out resources if not comfortable in speaking with him. Office hours are very useful. Very passionate about Fem studies as well! I would love to take him for upper-division courses as well.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

Interesting and not trivial

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

Jarett is an amazing professor! Before I started, I was terrified to take this class because of his ratings on here, but I'm so glad I stayed. His lectures are well put together and easy to follow. History is my worst subject but he made this class really easy for me. There is a lot of reading but not too heavy, chapters are spaced out so its fine.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

Not hard. Prepare for the Map Quiz that is given at the start of the class, because the professor grades it pretty hard. The essays are not difficult to write as long as you have a solid thesis and can write clearly. To be brutally honest I barely read the material but I did my work, participated, and got along fine.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

If you've taken AP World, Gov, US History, etc. You will do great in this class. If you haven't, good luck, but still it's not the hardest class ever you should do fine if you focus. The essays are EASY if you're used to writing about historical significance in high school. Henderson cares so much about his student's success. Very clear and concise

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

Dr. Henderson has good lectures with interesting concepts related more towards micro-history and social dynamics between groups of people. This course does not really delve into traditional political history that revolves around the actions of the "elite". Dr. Henderson doesn't provide context to primary source readings, so be prepared to read.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

This class sucks. I was expecting to learn about the World Wars and other major events in World History but instead, he makes you read this pedantically written book that dives into specific examples about stuff that is irrelevant in the grand scheme of World History imo. Barely ever gets through lecture slides because he gets sidetracked. Bleh.

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HIST2C . Henderson J G 4 Years Ago

There is such a large disconnect between himself and the manners in which he assigns HW and grades. His lectures literally have nothing to do with the papers he makes you do instead of midterms and the papers are extremely difficult since the prompts are vague and difficult to comprehend. We even had a TEST about plotting down locations on a map.

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