Anna Brusutti
165 reviews

FAM46 . 9 Years Ago

I did not like her. Could not understand what you were suppose to know from lectures andd readings. Chosen films were decent. Could not get past the accent, kept reminding me of Despicable Me.

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46 . 9 Years Ago

Shows the best films of any of the film professors. Really amazing class and interesting and USEFUL lectures. Still my favorite class at UCSB. Would take it again. I liked the assignments too.

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FLMST46 . 9 Years Ago

I took this class during summer session. I thought an Intro to Film Studies class would be fun, but it was so dry. I liked a few of the movies, like Singin' in the Rain and Citizen Kane, but some of the movies were confusing, dry, and weird. Really dreaded getting up for three hour lectures three times a week.

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FAMST46 . 10 Years Ago

don't do the readings & it will make the class harder than needed. This takes away time from other classes. She adds additional readings to gauchospace on top of what's in the syllabus. 2 quizzes, 2 papers (3-4 pg and 5-6), exams are in class essays analyzing films watched in class. TA's grade everything. As a result, Choosing the right onematters

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FAMST46 . 10 Years Ago

Non-mandatory lectures but TAs take attendance. Lots of hours for not a lot of units, so don't take this if you're not a film major or considering being one. Quizzes are tough but midterm and final are cake. Read the book, skim the articles online, and go to class and you'll land yourself an A with minimal studying.

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46 . 10 Years Ago

I learned a lot in this class, but mostly because I did all the readings (I'm a film major so the subject interests me). Brusutti knows a lot about the subject but is a terrible lecturer. I only went to lectures to see the films she shows (which we are tested on). For the rest, I learned all of the concepts from the textbook. u have to put in work.

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FAMST46 . 10 Years Ago

I tools the FAMST 46 class, and she was all over the place. Her lectures never matched with her syllabus, and she would tell us different due dates from what her syllabus says. She gave three quizzes, and always tells us to study one topic but tests us on another topic. You never know if she's going to test you, in detail, on the book or her online

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46 . 10 Years Ago

Anna's class is difficult but not horrible. If you are incoming Film Major it is definitely manageable. The quizzes are hard but the final is okay. Get a good TA! Unfortunately you have to at least skim the book for an A. Take the Major Seminar if at all possible.

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FILM46 . 10 Years Ago

Do not take for GE credit, there are much better options such as DANCE 45. I had no clue what would be on the quizzes, midterm and final and neither did my T.A.. The class is somewhat based on a bell curve, so don't expect an A unless you put in a good amount of work. Attend lecture and read the assigned articles.

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FILM46 . 10 Years Ago

Sweet woman, horrible teacher. Would not recommend

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FILM46 . 10 Years Ago

She is not very clear in lecture about what is important to know. She also had small quizzes occasionally and I had no idea what would be on them. Not a difficult class if you can think somewhat deeply about films and can pay attention to small details.

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FILM46 . 10 Years Ago

Doesn't actually teach anything. Talks about the topic without ever telling you what you need to know about it. Assigns a crazy amount of reading that can be long and hard to understand. However,it can be one of your only chances of getting a good grade. DO not take as a GE

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FLMST46 . 10 Years Ago

I liked Brusutti. Her lectures are a little boring, but you can tell she loves what she does. If you like the subject matter, you can read the book, but it's mostly fluff, not useful for studying. Quizzes are mostly on articles and screenings. 46 in particular is good for people who really want to major in film. Not for a GE, in my opinion.

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FILM46 . 11 Years Ago

She was an inconsistent lecturer and very scatterbrained. Still, I loved hearing what she had to say (even when she got off-topic.) The book is pretty useless but you should do the outside readings she requires.

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FLMST46 . 11 Years Ago

She is unbelievably unsure about what she should teach or say. Lectures are super boring and useless. Most of the classmates did not show up after the first week. I'm a film student and I want to change my major after this class.

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FILM155SK . 11 Years Ago

I had professor Brusutti for 155SK (Stanley Kubrick) and Film 46. I like her teaching methods, and she was always very helpful to me outside of lecture. Read the book(s), make sure to attend class, and review your notes; I got an A with little to no effort involved.

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FLMST46 . 11 Years Ago

Subject matter shouldn't be boring, but Brusutti makes it that way. You can almost pass the class just on the textbook, but after the midterm you need to actually pay attention to lectures & screenings. Her voice makes it hard to concentrate, but overall easy class. Rely on your TA's.

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FLMST46 . 11 Years Ago

I tried so much to attend lectures, but it was so hard to do so because her lectures are confusing, unorganized, and boring as hell. Her voice is like a lullaby; she'll put you to sleep in ten minutes. Lectures are posted online, but are useless. Some TA's are clueless too. Her guidance to what will be on exams is total false.

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FILMART46 . 11 Years Ago

What can I say about Professor Brusutti? While she is very passionate about the material, she is a horrible teacher. She makes note taking extremely difficult and goes on in rants about the material. She does not clarify, and teaches as if students already have a strong basis of the material. I would not recommend her class.

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FILM46 . 11 Years Ago

Went to class three times: first day, midterm, final. Never bought the book nor opened a borrowed one. Just watched the films. If you are a good writer you can still get an A-/B+. Everyone who felt that reading the book was necessary was obviously some newbie freshman. Class not useless (made me consider/analyze films I'd not otherwise watch).

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FILM46 . 12 Years Ago

Brusutti is a good professor, she knows the material very well, her range of knowledge surprises me. She can be humorous at times; she tried brightening up lectures as best she could. Loved her choice of films for the class. Unfortunately I had a TA that majored in English so he graded essays much more intensely. Make sure you do the readings!

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FLM46 . 12 Years Ago

Anna is a great professor. But the topics are pretty dry. I think if u get a good TA u will do better. Mine was as clueless as we were. But graded hard on exams and papers..

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FLMST46 . 12 Years Ago

Had her once for the intro class (46) and film noir (169). Both great classes. Top of the line professor as far as I'm concerned.

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FM46 . 13 Years Ago

Anna was absolutely delightful as my first film professor. I got to know her very well by being in the honors section and major seminar. She is insightful and funny and a wonderful, comprehensive teacher. Read the book, go to lecture, watch the films. But ultimately, care about the material. An A is completely feasible if you work for it.

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