Shay Hopkins
4 reviews
Alice Nguyen
74 reviews
Lizzy Wilbanks
3 reviews

MCDB1AL . Nguyen A T 6 Years Ago

Trust me, too much work for 1 unit class. Lab manual is so unorganized

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MCDB1AL . Nguyen A T 6 Years Ago

I'm going to come off as so extra but I swear, this is most disorganized class that I've ever taken w the most disorganized lab manual that I've ever read. The lab manual constantly has conflicting information in it, is written out of order, is so grammatically incorrect and vague, etc. yet we are graded on our knowledge of extremely specific info

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MCDB1A . Nguyen A T 7 Years Ago

Objectively graded class, no curve or very low curve. Make a good connection with your TA because they grade your paper that is worth about 20% of your grade. Do all the pre-labs and labs on time, these are the easy points. 1 unit class, but if you want to get a good grade, study hard for the practicals.

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MCDC1A1AL . Nguyen A T 7 Years Ago

May be one of the most disorganized people for this job. She is in charge of coordinating the lectures and labs for intro bio classes and fails to do so well. The class is over complicated and the lab doesn't match the class at all. During my final she repeatedly screamed out errors she made on the final in a disruptive way. Very negative person.

16 helpful 1 unhelpful
MCDB1ALEEMB2 . Nguyen A T 7 Years Ago

Very disorganized. Overcomplicate concepts in an intro class. The experiments she design barely match lectures. Has a lot of attitudes. Practicals are hard to study for. She really doesn't deserve this job.

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WRIT2 . 8 Years Ago

Shay is the sweetest. She was always available to talk and help (even gives put her phone number and offers to FaceTime students). She gives good and thorough feedback on papers. She really cares about her students and even let us out early once because everyone was dead from midterms. Also a fair grader. Not hard to please, just put in effort.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
WRIT2 . 8 Years Ago

Nice teacher, hard grader.

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WRIT2 . 8 Years Ago

My favorite class at UCSB so far, I'm still a first year though. Shay is so sweet and helpful, loved her class!

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WRIT2 . 9 Years Ago

She was great for Writing 2 during summer session B, super easy class and less projects because there was less time than a normal quarter. She is the sweetest person ever and super great. She dresses cute and makes class fun.

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