Charles Mullin
106 reviews

COMM113 . 3 Years Ago

Incredibly rude when trying to communicate about grades and extremely strict with deadlines. Condescending tone when asking for clarification about his word heavy tests. Do NOT recommend this class at all.

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COMM113 . 3 Years Ago

The most unhelpful, condescending, and unprofessional professor. INCREDIBLY strict on deadlines and word counts with absolutely no exceptions IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC! All his assignments have so much information that its hard to keep straight what youre supposed to do. Regardless, he expects 1000000% effort from his students with 1% in return

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COMM132 . 3 Years Ago

The class had three assignments and the mid term and final.. Tests are not easy and lectures are heavy on information and hard to follow..

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COMM179 . 3 Years Ago

Idk why y'all are trippin with the bad reviews. This man is a super relaxed professor and not as bad as everyone says he is. I usually don't review profs but seeing all the negativity and disrespect put on this mans name is not right. ALthough this class is being taken during RONA, his classes are asynchronous and super easy and straightforward.

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COMM179 . 4 Years Ago

I was hesitant to take his class because of the bad reviews but I love music and subject sounded really cool. I have no idea what's with the bad reviews I think his lectures were super interesting and the assignments were not difficult and actually enjoyable. Obviously this was a different situation because its online due to Corona but I loved it.

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COMM145 . 4 Years Ago

Just dont take it if you can. I wish I could rate him 0

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COMM114 . 4 Years Ago

The guy honestly has the worst powerpoints of all time, I'm surprised he is still allowed to lecture how he does. Very unprofessional and unorganized.

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COMM113114 . 4 Years Ago

when he explains debatable topics. you can tell that his purpose is not to deliver knowledge neutrally but to support one side and critique the other side. Its annoying when he said colonization is a win-win situation. The colonized countries had their properties took away and ppl were forced to be slaves. Its one side abusing the other.

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COMM132 . 5 Years Ago

just midterm final, all multiple choice. super unorganized slides and a terrible lecturer. and doesn't post them... well doesn't really matter if you write everything down anyways because I thought I was so well prepared for the final and it was probably one of the hardest finals I have ever taken. super disappointed in this course :/

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COMM132 . 5 Years Ago

Mullin is by far the hardest class I took at UCSB. I took away nothing from his class when I was finished with it. If you have to take his class, just drop out instead... You'll learn more than showing up to this class.

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COMM132 . 5 Years Ago

Doesnt post lectures. No textbook. No study guide. Good luck to anyone who takes him

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COMM114 . 5 Years Ago

go to his office hours, record his lectures, get a study group and know about Politics- there are two multiple choice test- around 45 questions- A lot of material- each question are like three sentences long- very hard to see what he is asking- answers are sooo similar- I am sorry just avoid this class and any class he teaches :/

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COMM114 . 5 Years Ago

I was excited to take this class because I like media. However, this is not what I expected,it is politically based- Heavy lecture and doesn't tell you how to study.I studied like three weeks for the midterm,had a study group,printed out the notes &analyzed them and still did bad? I am an A student. 2 multiple-choice test THATS IT

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COMM114 . 5 Years Ago

If you don't do well with very, and i mean VERY wordy exams, this course is not for you. Lecture is hard to follow and if you just write down what is on the powerpoints that won't suffice. With that being said, if you understand what kind of prof he is, and what the tests are like, it's doable.

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COMM145 . 6 Years Ago

Lectures are not online and are not clear. The lectures slides are useless to study off of it because that are based off of his rambles in class. His tests are extremely hard as well. Every time I've taken his classes I earn a poor grade compared to other comm classes other professors have taught. This is an obvious correlation to his poor teaching

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COMM113 . 6 Years Ago

Mullin is a good, smart guy but the lectures were all over the place. Power points were distracting rather than helpful, way too much content on there. Midterm and final were pretty hard and the only thing graded. I did not get a lot out of this class and can barely remember what I learned. Just not for me.

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COMM113 . 6 Years Ago

Overal, this class was very interesting. The concepts he goes over in class are not too difficult, but a lot of his questions on the midterm and final are more application type questions, not rote memorization. 1 midterm, 1 final (no papers). All reading on Gauchospace. Tests are all multiple choice. 4-5 reading questions on each test.

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COMM132 . 6 Years Ago

The one professor at UCSB I tell people to avoid.. you literally can't type as fast as he talks and even if you do it's so hard to sort out which information is relevant. He's a nice guy and could be an engaging teacher if he would slow down even a little bit

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COMM132 . 6 Years Ago

As a 3rd year Comm major who's taken courses from 5< professors w/in the dept, Mullin's easily my favorite. Your grade is an average of your exam scores, which scares those who rely on superficial conceptual understandings to score well on tests. But, naturally intelligent people shouldn't have a problem sorting thru his allegedly "cryptic" Q's

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COMM113 . 6 Years Ago

One of THE worst professors I've had at UCSB. Disorganized lectures, tangent ramblings, and tries to fish for a comedy audience instead of focusing on actual class content. BEWARE, STEER CLEAR!!!

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COMM113 . 6 Years Ago

Professor Mullin made going to class at 8AM pretty doable. There are no papers for this class. A midterm, and a final is what makes up your grade. He does curve the class by taking the median score (points) and then going up and down from there. If you have had his wife for any of the pre-comm classes, it is structured and tested very similar

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COMM132 . 7 Years Ago

I don't really understand why all the extremely negative reviews. This class isn't that bad if you show up and pay attention. Write down everything he says, its only 2 hours a week, it really isn't that bad. The content of the class was pretty interesting overall. In a nutshell: not that bad.

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160MC . 7 Years Ago

The class was ok but I'm giving him a bad review because of all the sexist comments he makes. In Music Comm and he will say stuff like "women don't care as much about music as men" and "children won't learn about music from their mom, they learn from their dad" etc and it irritates me to no end. He also will be really condescending to students

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COMM132 . 7 Years Ago

Mullin is a very biased and unorganized professor, his powerpoints notes are all scattered around (not posted online). The tests are tricky with obvious intention to fail everyone. Also, he is extremely condescending so no, not approachable at all. Office hours does not help you at all. Avoid him if you wanna graduate. Terrible terrible professor!!

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