Harmon C J
3 reviews
Coby Harmon
164 reviews

ACCT139 . Harmon C J 3 Months Ago

I enjoyed Coby, I liked his lectures and didn't mind going to class. It definitely takes some effort in the class, but the curve is strong so you'd be fine most likely. I guessed on the final and still passed so that was nice.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 6 Months Ago

First half of class on consolidation went well, but afterwards the different topics seemed kind of disorganized. Attending lecture is important, textbook is kind of dense and a pain to sift through for his main points. Not a hard class, but just hard to stay on top of things and know what to learn/study for the second half of the class

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ECON136B . Harmon C J 9 Months Ago

Coby is so sweet and I can tell he cares about his students, however I found it hard to pay attention in class as he tunneled into topics/went on tangents. 3 tests, non-cumulative, heavily based on Wiley practice questions.

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ECON136B . Harmon C J 9 Months Ago

This is my first class with Professor Harmon, and it has been a wonderful ride. Although Professor Harmon teaches off slides, he gets into details and explains materials well enough that I don't necessarily have to read to figure out what I'm doing. Homework is a tough endeavor, and there are seven (or eight) of them, so get ready to do the work.

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ECON136B . Harmon C J 10 Months Ago

Harmon is not a bad professor by any means but definitely does not cover enough information to properly prepare for the midterms. Very fair with curves and nice to talk to. You will just have to self-teach to some degree.

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ECON136A . Harmon C J 3 Years Ago

Overall, I thought Professor Harmon was a pretty good teacher. His lectures weren't the most in-depth, but they covered parts of what you needed to know for the weekly quizzes. The other part was by reading the textbook. I enjoyed his odd humor and noises. His quizzes were tricky, but once you figure out how he tests the class becomes much easier.

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ECON136A . Harmon C J 3 Years Ago

Coby is a very great person. However, I cant say this about his teaching. Doesnt teach much and if he does, 80% of his lectures dont reflect the test material. In response to someone confronting him about his lack of teaching, he said hes not here to hold our hand. So we are basically spending a lot of money to read a book and get a grade.

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ECON136A . Harmon C J 3 Years Ago

Only graded by our tests, and homework. There are tests after each chapter which was nice, but he makes them insanely hard with a tight time constraint for no reason. The homework is super long, but you do get a week to do them, however it's only worth 10% of your grade despite how much you have to do.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 3 Years Ago

brb crying because I just had my last lecture of my last class offered by Harmon. I will sincerely miss his uplifting "rrrraaarr"s and "woo woo"s mid-lecture. He is the best at explaining difficult concepts very logically. Focus your efforts on what he covers in Lec, supplement w/ the textbook & you'll do great.

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ECON136C . Harmon C J 3 Years Ago

I had Harmon for 136A and just had him for 136C. For me, his classes were pretty hard. The only class I've gotten these grades in was 10A. That being said, I enjoy him as a person and he is pretty funny which makes his class less frustrating. If you dedicate all your time to this class then you will do well, otherwise be ready to settle for a B/C.

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ECON3A . Harmon C J 4 Years Ago

I took it during the summer and Harmon was so funny and accessible. He gives a lot about real world examples. His tests were pretty easy and all mc, but because the class is curved, it is about the least mistakes you make. I learned a lot as my first accounting class.

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ECON136C . Harmon C J 4 Years Ago

7 exams, all mc, and drop 1 lowest. But clearly not enough time to take the exams, 25-40 mins each only. The main point is that sometimes you don't find the correct answer from any of the selections, so you will get extremely confused when taking the exam with that short amount of time. And what he teaches is different from what you see from exams

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 4 Years Ago

average when it comes to actually teaching the material but the curve is generous and he is open to changing grading materials in favor of the students, such as making some hws extra credit, some test questions as extra credit, etc.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 5 Years Ago

He is the best professor in the world. I took every class that he taught and received A in every class.

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ECON136C . Harmon C J 5 Years Ago

Harmon is funny with animal noises and this was the easiest out of the 136C series for me, even though the material is the most difficult (took Fulkerson for 136A and Hulme for 136B). Attendance not important, but read through the textbook and review the extra problems he provides. All multiple choice tests, he answers questions well during exams

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3A . Harmon C J 6 Years Ago

"Woo woo! Nay-Nay! *frog sound. *cat purr-ish sound." The professor is really funny and the material is pretty straight forward. Just read the textbook if you REALLY want to understand what he talks about in class. A little bit of every aspect of studying will go a long way.

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ECON3A . Harmon C J 7 Years Ago

Mr. Harmon is one of the funniest and quirkiest professors in the economics department. He deeply understands the subject and clearly answers any questions. The material is a bit dry but not too difficult. His humor definitely made the class more interesting. Do well on exams because high class averages may cause the curve to lower your raw grade!

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 7 Years Ago

This class was incredibly hard. I spent an average of about 10 hours a week on this class doing homework and taking handwritten notes. This class is no joke . . . Midterm 2 and the final were incredibly difficult and probably each had 25 tricky questions out of the 50, and our class average was WAYYY too high for the difficulty level...

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 7 Years Ago

This professor has really hard exam and he always be rude to students. You can't get good grade once you made one mistake in exam.

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ECON3A3B . Harmon C J 7 Years Ago

Harmon is a really good guy but his tests are awful. Multiple choice always and not the stereotypical "easy" multiple choice. Killed my GPA. Liked him a lot but not his testing style.

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 7 Years Ago

I honestly really love professor Harmon!! he is very inspirational, I love to go to his lectures. He can sometimes give out extra credit (those extra credits are like curveball) when he feels like not so many students are attending the lecture. And you should do well on midterms because the final was SUPER hard!!!

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 7 Years Ago

Favorite accounting prof so far! He's super quirky and a great teacher. Also, he's always available to help in his office hours outside lecture.

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ECON136C . Harmon C J 7 Years Ago

I had Harmon for 3B and thought he was a great lecturer.. However that was a couple of years back and a totally different class. It seemed as if he got lazier for 136C and did NOT explain stuff all that well. The material was way harder for this class and his lectures were essentially pointless. Get ready to pretty much teach yourself everything.

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 8 Years Ago

Kept me awake and engaged with his humor. Very knowledgeable in the material and always makes things crystal clear. As others have said, do all the textbook practice problems to be prepared for those curveballs he might throw at you in the midterm/final. That will definitely make or break your grade.

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