Harmon C J
3 reviews
Coby Harmon
164 reviews

ECON139 . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

He used to be a nice guy, but apparently changed his teaching style. Do not really like him. He is not interested in the success of his students, which is a shame for a prf

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

Best teacher I've had at UCSB. I'm a Buis-Econ major with an accounting emphasis and Harmon taught me everything so well and prepared me for future classes. He is very smart, funny, and entertaining. He wants his students to succeed. TAKE HIS CLASS and I promise you will love it.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

It was an okay class. Interesting accounting topics that are useful for the CPA exam and for careers in accounting, but the teaching style was not great. We seemed to be moving too slow and was left to teach ourselves a majority of the topics. Multiple choice are tricky and the government accounting topic could have been taught a lot better.

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

Harmon is a pretty good professor. If you go to class and pay attention the hw isn't too hard, sometimes I felt like the multiple choice questions on his tests were a little random but overall he is a fair teacher. He's also helpful at explaining things if you talk to him after class.

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ACCT139 . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

His office hours are not very helpful. He may seem to try really hard to teach the material in class but doesn't care about his students much. Overall an ordinary instructor.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

HORRIBLE teacher. He has no regard for the success of his students. His help is next to nothing and his lectures can best be described as ramblings. Avoid him like the plague.

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

make you do the hw which he hasnt talked about it yet.Sux, dun take it

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ECON136B . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

Took Coby in the summer for 136A, easy A. Thought 136B in the fall would be the same. It was more difficult than before. Coby was trying to make things more challenging but didn't end up enforcing some of what he said he would. LOTS of extra credit opportunities. Can't miss class though. That could hurt your grade b/c he gives test info inadvance

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ECON136A . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

Took 136A during the summer. It was the easiest A to earn. He is completely relaxed over the summer. Not very organized but it pays off for you to just go to class and deal with it. He says things in class that are important to the tests, so if you don't go to class, won't know. Tests are okay and he gets the questions right out of the back of book

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

DO not take this class,does not care to help much. Selfish professor,not helpful at all.Avoid at all costs, trust me!

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ECON136B . Harmon C J 16 Years Ago

Is a great teacher, tests are pretty easy and so is hw. Go to class ask questions get A

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ECON3B . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

He's gotten a lot harder this year (2007) than 2006 when I had him for 3A. Be weary of his multiple choice on the exams - lots of obscure questions and stuff he mentioned in passing and full of TRICK QUESTIONS.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

Harmon is a joke. The only students who praise him are acctg nerds and suck-ups. Doesn't teach the material but actually expects you to know the stuff because you're suppose to be "responsible students." Always misleads you on the test materials and basically leaves you to your own devices. Test questions are always worded funky. AVOID AVOID AVOID

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

This class is dreadful. The homework is tedious and theres one due every class. The course material is probably the dullest and driest i've encountered in accounting. However, you still may want to take it cause its supposed to be important for cpa exam. Harmon didnt teach it particularly well this quarter however.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

He doesn't teach. He cares more about doing work for the publisher than about teacher the students who pay for the class. Give long winded HW assignments that are due every class. DO NOT TAKE HARMON FOR ANY UPPER DIVISION COURSE

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ECON136 . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

HW takes forever if you don't know Excel. HW questions riddled with mistakes, some basic theory and definitional multiple choice questions very difficult and wastes your time. Lectures are useless. Study hard on your own with the book

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

This guy has to be the worse accounting teacher in the department right now. The guy does not teach the material well at all and gives you a lot of busy work thats not worth your time. With that said, this class is very important for the cpa exam so you might want to take this class anyways.

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ECON139 . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

He's so self oriented, setting unreasonable rules.....fake you in the preview of exams.......

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ECON136C . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

Prof. Harmon is one of the best teachers at UCSB. The reason his classes have got harder is because of the student perception that they could cheat and use old tests to get ahead in the class. If easy means doing that well then your right the class is hard. Sorry, but learning takes a little more than that. If you take the time to go see him and ge

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ECON3A . Harmon C J 17 Years Ago

While you never have to goto class or discussion other than on days of midterms or final, you should. Coby explains the material very well because he knows it and knows how to teach it. The TA's are undergrads so they barely know anything. The book is useful, but you can do without it if you show up to every class and pay attention.

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ECON3A . Harmon C J 18 Years Ago

don't take this class with him, take with the other professor.

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ECON136C . Harmon C J 18 Years Ago

harmon really dropped the ball this quarter. every assignment and test he gave was full of errors...the course organization is horrible...why are there no TAs, sections, or review sessions for this class? they would've been a helpful supplement to coby's unmotivated teaching style. hugely regret taking 136c! his front row pet's are ANNOYING

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ECON136C . Harmon C J 18 Years Ago

Never asnwers any emails, this is the information age! Very lazy, confuses the hell out of students. Students who took the class 2 quarters ago are 100% better off, his classes have gotten ridiculously hard. Take anyone else besides him, even Sanders, yes I said even Sanders.

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136C . Harmon C J 18 Years Ago

I have also taken Coby's class before and was actually looking forward to taking him again before the quarter. Simply does not do a good job getting the concepts and teaching across to his students. Like others have said, we can read the slides on our own. Would suggest taking another professor for this class.

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