Charles Stuart
32 reviews
Cindy Benelli
175 reviews

ECON130 . 5 Months Ago

Prof Stuart puts the entire course grade on only on 1 final exam, which is entirely free-response and graded subjectively. I took this course twice and got my lowest grade at UCSB, even after going to every single office hour for writing feedback on my 2nd try.

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ECON10A . Benelli C A 8 Months Ago

She is professional and easy to work with.

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ECON106 . Benelli C A 9 Months Ago

Honestly, the stress of this class is not worth it. It's hard to put into words how much of a mess this class was. No clear indication what would be covered on exams, completely random due date & grading schemes, grades assigned based on her mood, etc. I had no idea what my final grade would be until it was on GOLD. Would not recommend.

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ECON102 . Benelli C A 10 Months Ago

Hands down the worst professor I have had, at SBCC definitely do not take this class if you want to learn econ.

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ECON106 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

If you have Cindy Benelli as one of your econ professors, count your lucky stars because she truly is one of the best at UCSB. Attend lectures, do the assignments as best as you can, and communicate with her regularly and it's almost guaranteed you will get a good grade in the class. Just have fun and enjoy the ride!

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114A . Benelli C A 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

One of the best econ professors at UCSB. She knows her stuff when it comes to econ related materials, and she is certainly one of the most caring professors I've had at UCSB. As a professor, empathy is a vital component to being a successful and I believe that Cindy truly cares about her students. Thank you professor for everything!

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ECON102 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Cindi was the laziest professor I have ever had. She missed an accumulated 5 weeks of class due to personal issues that left myself and my peers extremely lost. When she did show up, she would show up for thirty minutes and give an extensive lecture. Get ready for confusing homework and confusing instructions. You have been warned!!

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ECON106 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Cindy is nice but sassy and very very unorganized. The syllabus said we were supposed to have 15 quizzes and we only had 4. She always says "this might be right but Im not sure" during her lectures or about the notes she posts. You're pretty much on your own in this class. There was no final, just an analysis project and an exam worth 6% in dead wk

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ECON101 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

You won't learn anything, her teaching is bad. Her tests are completely different of what's in the text book. She doesn't even show up for offline classes. I wish I knew this earlier, I would never take her class!

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ECON114 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

I'm still waiting back for her answer 3 months later. 0/10 would recommend.

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ECON101 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

Cindy is a very nice woman, but a horrible teacher. She is very unorganized and is always late to class or does not show up. You never know what is due, when theres a test, or when theres a class. She rambles on about things that are not Econ related and leaves you to read your textbook to figure everything out. Did not enjoy this class.

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ECON101 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

The reason the class is difficult is because she never shows up! one excuse after another and I drive thirty miles each way to find that she cancels class again. If you feel I am showing any bias or being derogatory in any way please show up for her class the odds are she won't be there. I am giving this teacher

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ECON130 . 2 Years Ago

very helpful during office hours and exams are easy

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10A . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

took Econ 9. Unorganized. Unclear. A whole mess. Last minute. Makes lectures and review hard because she takes stuff off of gauchospace.

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ECON102 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

This was a bad semester. she helped out with grades by extra credit and corrections on work. Good person and smart professor just a bad semester. Hopefully next semester will be better.

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ECON102 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

This semester was a mess, but she understood and felt bad and helped out many peoples grades. I think if you have her in the future you will be okay and to ignore these reviews, just make sure to be ready to read and study. I think she just had a hard time adjusting to being back in school like many students.

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ECON102 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

She is a terrible teacher. She is a very nice person however and seems like if she had her stuff together she could be a very enjoyable professor. But she can not teach, something happened during coronavirus to her and its obvious she has horrible disorganization issues, anxiety, and is all over the place constantly.

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ECON102 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

Never made grades available the entire semester so there was no way of knowing how you were doing in the class. Never replied to emails and was very unhelpful in answering questions. Her lectures would get off topic so you basically have to teach yourself the entire course. Said teaching was only worth it inperson but would cancel class once a week

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ECON106 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

The most disorganized professor ever. Quiz solutions and even lectures were riddled with mistakes that were never fixed. She never answered emails, and would frequently forget to post things for us. It is agonizing to watch your professor restructure the class every week because of their incompetence. Your grade is essentially a mystery. AVOID

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ECON2 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

she is a mess. I have never been a class so disorganized. if i knew the class would of been like this i would of done it online asynchronous, her lectures are her running off topic every time. if you want to learn you have to teach yourself, she canceled two classes in a row before our first exam, and 4 classes in a row before our second exam.

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ECON106 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

I didn't know it was possible for a person to be so disorganized. The worst class I've taken at UCSB, not because the content is hard, but because Benelli never has any idea what is going on. I feel bad for all of the students in this class. Prof shouldn't be able to harm students' grades because of organization but she gets away with it. AVOID.

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ECON114 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

the most disorganized, all over the place professor i've ever had. she's nice as a person but cannot structure a class whatsoever. never even posted the full syllabus. wasn't clear about instructions/guidelines for final project. lecture videos too vague to understand concepts enough for quizzes. wouldn't post lectures/lessons on time. not worth it

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ECON106 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

She is so weird and her homework and quizzes dont match up with what she lectures on. Half of the time shell post a word doc of random math which makes no sense without context. Unless you enjoy teaching yourself everything from an equally useless textbook definitely stay away from this dumpster fire of quarter organization and class in general

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ECON150 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

Cindy was fabulous. Even with covid Cindy was able to make herself available to all her students, and gave lectures to the same quality one would expect while attending in person classes. Cindy was also a caring human being who (unlike my other professors) understood the difficulty of learning online for most students. I am very grateful.

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