Andre Wyss
33 reviews
Alex Simms
63 reviews

EARTH148 . Wyss A R 6 Years Ago

When writing papers, Andy doesn't grade you on your content, he grades you on your writing skills (which is completely bogus). His lectures are super heavy with a lot of material that seems to get clustered in his exams. This class was the first and only class to give me an anxiety attack over all the stress it caused me. AVOID HIS CLASSES!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Antarctica, is an very boring class, its mainly test based, so good luck memorizing 300 terms. The Labs are easy. He is just has a very boring lecture. It is very easy to get distracted in the class.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

He's a nice guy, but his lectures can be really boring. All you have to do is study the notes you take in his lecture and do the 2-3 easy assignments and you'll ace the class.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Professor was really nice and sometimes funny. Slides are posted online, but it doesn't hurt to go to lecture for the pop quizzes. I think if you memorize the definitions of the study guide you will definitely pass. There's a lot of terms but get them memorized and you'll do fine in the class.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Antartica is definitely an easy class. Take it if you need a science class and don't mind geology. You have random "pop quizzes" but he literally gives you the answers. It is a fact heavy class so you will need to study for the midterm and final but if you put some time in you'll do just fine. He takes attendance but only for grade arguments.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Professor Simms is one of the most caring and passionate professors you'll meet. He makes funny jokes during class and he is an overall very nice guy. He has a couple pop quizzes that he basically gives the answer to(if you pay attention at all!) and his midterm and final are extremely reasonable. Definitely would take again

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Difficulty and work load is not that bad. He's a nice dude.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Very dry material made drier by his voice. Easy labs and 'pop quizzes,' but the content on the midterm and final had many things that were not on the study guide. Course material all over the place in terms of what he makes it seem like you need to know, and what you actually need to know. Dry material, dry lecturer. Would not take again.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Professor Simms is really passionate about this class and he's sweet and he likes to make jokes even though no one really laughs. Attendance is mandatory if you want to get the pop quiz points and if you need a little bump at the end of the quarter. Midterm and final aren't so bad, it's just a lot of memorization of terms and facts.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Very easy GE but don't blow it off because it might come back and bite you. Simms is very funny and sweet. TAs were all amazing. Attend lecture because of pop quizzes. A lot of information and gets VERY boring after the Midterm. Again, it is a very easy class but make sure you take it seriously.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Simms is great. He is funny and easy going. This class can be very boring at times, however he tries to make it better with his humor. Tbh I thought his dry jokes were pretty funny. There are many terms you need to know for the final so do not wait until last minute, same for midterm. Also always show up to lab and lecture because he Likes pop quiz

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 8 Years Ago

Prof. Simms is a sweet, kinda nerdy professor that simply loves Antarctica. There was no reading other than 2 short summaries of science articles. He gives you a study guide for the MT and final that have everything you need to know. He tells you the pop quiz answers before you take it. Slides go online. Overall pretty easy and interesting!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

Pop quizzes are easy, but mean you MUST attend lecture. Midterm and final were multiple choice and all the information you need is on the slides he puts up on Gauchospace. He's very funny and helpful in office hours. Many extra credit opportunities. Definitely an easy A, if you just put in a little effort. He's very likable! Don't buy the textbook.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

Incredibly dry, thinks he's funny, and is often condescending. However, it is a really easy class and he puts the lecture slides online. There are some "pop quizzes" but he kind of gives you the answers half of the time. Multiple choice final. Choose between happiness and an easy class.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

Pretty boring class, its basically a geology class with some occasional bits about Antarctica specifically. Lots of easy pop quizzes in class mean you have to go. Tests are straightforward and not too difficult. The slides on his power points have all the info for the tests.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

This class was really easy if you just go to lecture. He repeats what is going to be on the test at least 3 times and the "pop quizzes" are just on the days lecture and you can use notes. As long as you study for the tests with the terms he gives you (pay attention to numbers) you'll pass. He also makes lots of rock puns.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

Alex Simms is that dorky science nerd from high school. He's the most down to earth (hehe) professor I've had and I really enjoyed my time with him. All the material from the two tests is learned in class and although the lectures are tedious, all the info is essential. P.S He wanted to name his 5th child Talus.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

Pretty much like the other raters said. Easy, helpful pop quizzes. Checks for understanding. Standard, easy-if-you-studied multiple choice exams. Funny little stories and random tidbits of info that made going to class enjoyable. I actually enjoyed learning about "the last place on earth", lol

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

The lectures are pretty interesting considering not many people know about Antarctica. He offers extra credit that's easy to take advantage of. I recommend that you go to all lectures because there is no textbook for this class and therefore no other sources of information. Also there are occasional pop quizzes that are easy and boost your grade.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

Attendance taken. Will bump borderline grades if attendance is good. Easy A if you go to all lectures and pay attention. 1 Midterm, 2 research assignments (10-15 minutes each) , labs (easy worksheets done in sections), and final. Lectures posted online and are your bible in EARTH 10. Don't bother buying texts (they're only recommended anyway).

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

Simms really understands that most of us aren't hardcore STEM majors so he breaks everything down and always checks for understanding. Passionate about the field (really shows in lecture). Go to lecture; there's no textbook and he has a sign in sheeteasy pop quizzes.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 9 Years Ago

I went into the class thinking it was going to be struggle to pay attention and care about Antarctica but he is really good at engaging the class and making you laugh along the way. He has great stories and tidbits that make the class bearable. SUPER easy pop quizzes that only help your grade. Just two reading assignments of an article with summary

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 10 Years Ago

Prof Simms' Antarctica class was cool! He was a funny dude and the class was interesting. There was no textbook and the mditerm/final were both fair. I enjoyed going to that class, and so did many others. Attendance is mandatory because 1) nowhere else to get info about Antarctica and stuff, and 2) occassional SUPER EASY pop quizzes

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EARTH104A . Wyss A R 10 Years Ago

Andy cares a lot about his students so sometimes he seems offended when we don't put in 100%. He really just wants to help although he might be a tough grader with the writing assignments. I really enjoyed the field trips though!!

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