Andre Wyss
33 reviews
Alex Simms
63 reviews

INT84ZB . Simms A R 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Simms is clearly very passionate about geology. Fieldtrip for the course was fun. Make sure to put in effort into the two assignments as they account for your entire grade. Otherwise, there is no work outside of class. Lecture was interesting!

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INT84ZB . Simms A R 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

90% percent of the grade is based on only TWO HWs..... No rubric was provided for the hw........I love the course design, and I love the field trip, but only two homework decided our final grade, and sometimes the reason to lose points is weird...

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INT84ZB . Simms A R 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

The mandatory field trip was fun and tough, but 90% of the grading was just based on one homework and a presentation which both were given insufficient information about the grading criteria. It's overall an interesting course though.

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INT84ZB . Simms A R 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

camping trip is mandatory, and a respected professor with lots of experience, but he is a harsh grader and is unclear about what he wants (no rubric for guidance). there were two things in the grade book each worth 50% of your grade. but very knowledgeable and passionate about what he teaches. he is also very willing to help.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Midterm and Final had a failing average, people should not take this class as an easy GE.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Andy is the definition of a girlboss.Not only does he support the right of students to go on strike, he also singlehandedly took over labs when the TAs striked, going above and beyond his professor duties.Also after the midterm, he curved it&offered test corrections which gave back half credit if you pay attention in class, he's pretty funny too.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Lectures are boring and the professor can't teach. Goes off on tangents and talks about irrelevant things. Just watch classes online, go to your section, and pray for a good TA because they're the ones who are helping you pass this class.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

Took EARTH7 as a GE and would probably not take it again. There was a lot of content to memorize so don't consider this an easy A class. Professor was also dry in lecture. Section was good though, TA was helpful and you can easily get As on the labs if you ask for help. If the topic is something you're interested in though, it's not that bad.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

Andy seems like a nice guy but I am not rockin with his teaching skills. His lectures were a confusing array of slides and anecdotes. There is a disturbing amount of material that is expected to be memorized. I relied heavily on my TA explaining the material during our weekly section.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

This class was awful. I took it because I had to get more units in and thought it wouldnt be that hard but I was wrong. The labs and homework are the only reason I passed and that was because I got a good TA. However, he had no set grading procedures and gave a midterm and final that he made worth 50% at the last minute. DO NOT TAKE!!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 2 Years Ago

Alexander Simms is a teacher who is passionate about his topics and gives personal examples of what he is teaching. However, he is very hard to follow during lecture missing a lecture means you won't understand anything from that day since the slides are mostly pics, and he doesn't record any of them. Midterm and Final are ridiculously hard too.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 2 Years Ago

A professor who loves what he teaches. His lectures aren't boring but the midterm/final is a lot of memorization of vocab. Labs are fun and straightforward.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 2 Years Ago

Professor Simms is awesome! He makes his lectures so fun and actually something the students look forward to. Although the material can get boring at times he finds a way to spice things up. There are literally 2 homework assignments ever, like come on. Section attendance is mandatory and midterm/final is decent with no curveballs. Solid pick.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 2 Years Ago

It wasn't interesting. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and blame covid since we are barely going back in person, but his lectures were so BORING especially for an 8am class. The labs were okay, you need to take notes and attend lecture because he doesn't have a textbook and has very un-descriptive powerpoint slides !

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 2 Years Ago

Professor Simms seems like a really cool person and I enjoy his class however I wish his lectures were a little more engaging as I started to have a hard time paying attention and being motivated to go to class even as somebody who wants to research in Antarctica. Its definitely important to attend his lectures

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

Lectures are fairly interesting and you can tell he really enjoys what he's talking about. It's a good class if you want to fill your GE. Labs and homework are really easy, midterm and final questions are a little confusing but you can get by. You have to show up to lecture in person, it is impossible to understand him through zoom bc of low voice.

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INT84ZB . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

Prof. Simms was great for this class. He shared a lot of personal stories with his work and made material relevant for today. There were two virtual field trip assignments (writing), a 10 min presentation, and one 1000 word paper on a topic you pick related to the course. No outside reading, extra credit was offered!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

Weekly quizzes for lab and lecture each, 2 very easy short writing assignments and a final. Drops a lecture quiz and a lab quiz. Lecture quizzes based entirely on the lecture (no book) lab quizzes are not hard either. Show up to lecture and the A should be pretty easy

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

Professor Simms is a really great guy and he does care about students. he would answer every question if you are confused and upload slides too. all the lectures are recorded and section too, nice for international student. weekly pop quiz, no midterm, and the final are fair. go to the lecture and take note of you would be fine.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

Genuinely the nicest prof! Lectures were super interesting with pictures and videos of his travels. Also, because we were allowed to use notes on quizzes, I found myself able to enjoy the material so much more and this class sparked my interest in further earth science courses. Lab sections are also extremely helpful in this course.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

The class is fairly easy to access as Prof doesn't use a textbook and so watching lectures is important, but he records them and posts the Powerpoint online so it's doable. He has many stories about his real travels and is very enthusiastic. Labs during sections. Fairly easy class, good prof, just somewhat boring content (if you're taking ANT)

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

Professor Simms teaches fantastic lectures! As long as you attend his lectures, the labs and quizzes will be very clear and the material is very straightforward. Everything is communicated very well, and the structure of the class and synchronous assignments is extremely helpful. The Professor is very intelligent and has many fun stories.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

Professor Simms is great! He's really passionate about geology and Antarctica. The class is pretty easy, there's a short weekly quiz, lab with TA, 2 easy reading assignments, and final. Class and section is technically not mandatory, but you gotta watch the recorded lectures at least to pass the quizzes and TA's are very helpful on labs. Easy GE!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 3 Years Ago

Took Antarctica, really loved it. I don't care about earth sci but he made me want a geology major. Lectures are great. Slides are thorough + he posts the slideshows so you can go back and look. 1 short quiz weekly, everything's covered in class + we can use notes (online class). 1 lab weekly, not too difficult, takes me 1-2hrs max and I work slow

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