Alex Simms
63 reviews

EARTH10 . Simms A R 4 Years Ago

one of the nicest professors I've ever spoken to. He knows most people in the class are only there for a GE, and embraces it. He's funny and kind and gives a lot of extra credit opportunities. Go to lecture, there's pop quizzes and all the info you need to know is said in lecture.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 4 Years Ago

The most boring class that has ever been invented. He is a funny guy but it is impossible to pay attention because it is so boring.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 4 Years Ago

Simms is a good professor, he knows most everyone is taking this class for a GE and makes it fun and relatively easy. Attendance isnt completly mandatory, but he gives out pop quizzes, so I always went to be safe. He talks about his family a lot, makes him seem more human. Midterm and Final are majority of grade, but theyre easy and he reviews well

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Alex is really awesome as one who teaches geology stuffs, and he's really good at connecting concepts to his anecdotes. Pop quizzes are given yet answers are given too. Exams are very fair and going over the slides will guarantee you a decent grade. Labs worksheet count as a large percentage and do need some efforts (TAs will be helpful).

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

I have absolutely no interest in geology. I should rephrase that. I *had* no interest in geology. After that class, it sounds actually pretty interesting. The personal anecdotes and the personality are really an incredible touch. Thank you, Dr. Simms, for an incredibly fun quarter

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

He really does care about his lectures and class. He gave out a few pop quizzes but always reviewed the material beforehand. The midterm and final were fine as long as you studied his slides beforehand. If you show up and pay attention you'll do fine.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

The professor was really great and the class was interesting. Pop quizzes were given at the end of some lectures but were really easy. You can tell the professor is really passionate about the subject and makes puns every now and then to keep the class entertained. Midterm and final were easy but make sure you read the lecture notes.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Professor Simms clearly cares about his students and the material as well. This was a pretty easy class, although the TA you have definitely affects grading. Learning about Antarctica was interesting and the professor's side stories made it even better.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Professor Simms gives a few pop quizzes at the end of class so missing classes would make your grade suffer a bit. Also the class overall is pretty well, you do a lab once a week based on the material in class that you go over. Pretty good ge course.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Prof. Simms is an easy going professor. He clearly cares about his students and his lecture environment is relaxed and calm. He visits Antarctica yearly and always shows cool videos in his lectures. Glad I took this class (: !!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Good professor for an introductory class. Knowledgable on material and cares about subject matter.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

a good guy :)

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Dr Simms is an amazing professor who gives stories about his experiences in Antarctica during lecture and gives the answers to pop quizzes right before. The midterm and the final are both multiple choice and are mostly based on memorization. Easy class if you put in the work!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Dr. Sims is a great professor who does his best to keep people engaged. He tells stories and shows videos to give a visual on what he's teaching. The class is really easy if you pay attention which isn't hard to do since he keeps it fun. The pop quizzes are easy too, he gives the answers before the quiz so if you're listening its an easy 100%

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Dr. Simms is a great professor and you can tell he is passionate about Antarctica. The class is definitely based more on heavy memorization skills. The pop quizzes during class are not too bad if you pay attention. He literally gives you the answers!

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Interesting class

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 5 Years Ago

Dr. Simms really cares about his students and the subject. The labs can be challenging but they help your grade if you do good on them. The midterm/final are not too bad if you study. The class is based on memorization of the topics covered. Would recommend the class and professor

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Antarctica, is an very boring class, its mainly test based, so good luck memorizing 300 terms. The Labs are easy. He is just has a very boring lecture. It is very easy to get distracted in the class.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

He's a nice guy, but his lectures can be really boring. All you have to do is study the notes you take in his lecture and do the 2-3 easy assignments and you'll ace the class.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Professor was really nice and sometimes funny. Slides are posted online, but it doesn't hurt to go to lecture for the pop quizzes. I think if you memorize the definitions of the study guide you will definitely pass. There's a lot of terms but get them memorized and you'll do fine in the class.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Antartica is definitely an easy class. Take it if you need a science class and don't mind geology. You have random "pop quizzes" but he literally gives you the answers. It is a fact heavy class so you will need to study for the midterm and final but if you put some time in you'll do just fine. He takes attendance but only for grade arguments.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Professor Simms is one of the most caring and passionate professors you'll meet. He makes funny jokes during class and he is an overall very nice guy. He has a couple pop quizzes that he basically gives the answer to(if you pay attention at all!) and his midterm and final are extremely reasonable. Definitely would take again

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Difficulty and work load is not that bad. He's a nice dude.

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EARTH10 . Simms A R 7 Years Ago

Very dry material made drier by his voice. Easy labs and 'pop quizzes,' but the content on the midterm and final had many things that were not on the study guide. Course material all over the place in terms of what he makes it seem like you need to know, and what you actually need to know. Dry material, dry lecturer. Would not take again.

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