Alex Wrobel
43 reviews

EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 4 Months Ago

Really good lecturer, he makes an effort to make the content relevant and interesting. Labs were mandatory and worth 10% overall, lectures weren't. Midterm and final are mcqs and make up 75% of total grade, they weren't that hard but you definitely had to study to be getting 90%+. Overall interesting course and can do well without too much effort.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 6 Months Ago

GREAT professor, he does iclicker for lecture, so attendance mandatory, 2 midterms and a final, but multiple choice and he allows a cheat sheet for all three tests. section was alright, but pretty boring and the labs were very tedious. alex is attentive and will always answer questions during lecture and cares about you knowing the material.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 7 Months Ago

Great guy and down to Earth. You can tell he loves his job. Go to every lecture and read the book. Also attend every lab and do good on the quizzes because your grade will drop big time if you dont. Only thing that really annoys me is how important the midterm and final are if you dont do good on those you won't do well. Will curve grades.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 9 Months Ago

Wrobel is a great professor. His lectures are straightforward and easy to understand. In Earth 4, there are random attendance checks, and you get extra credit based on how many lectures you attend. Earth 4 is relatively easy, the labs in each section are not difficult and you can ask for help. Great professor who cares about his students.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 9 Months Ago

Loved this course! Genuinely the only lecture I was excited to attend every week. Super interesting content and really made me consider doing an earth science minor lol. Tests allow cheat sheets but do have some tricky questions here and there. Labs are also fun! I ended up falling behind but still managed to get a decent grade bc of cheat sheets.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 9 Months Ago

Alex is an awesome professor and is very understanding. Cheat sheets are allowed for his midterms and finals, only assignments are in section and some weekly quizzes. Pretty easy class as long as you pay attention. 2 midterms so it does feel like not much time in between tests. Loved this class and would definitely take his other classes.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 9 Months Ago

I think his lectures are amazing and engaging. Although my major has nothing to do with oceanography, I would take his classes again. The grading is reasonable as well.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 9 Months Ago

Great professor. Pretty easy class. Lots of information to learn but he allows cheat sheets for the exams. He's super funny and sweet too!

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

A fascinating class even for someone not very interested in science. Passionate & knowledgeable teacher. Not an easy A, and will require decent amounts of time studying. 2 midterms + 1 final. Midterms allow a cheat sheet full size paper and final allows 2 papers- very useful but require time & I recommend writing VERY EXTENSIVE info on them.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Earth 4 is my favorite class I have taken at UCSB so far, and Professor Wrobel had a lot to do with that. He is very kind and passionate about oceanography/geography which makes his lectures super interesting. His tests aren't that difficult if you pay attention in lecture, especially because he allows a notecard.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

hard tests

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Super friendly guy. Entertaining lectures and cool content. You can tell he is very passionate about his research.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Great professor! Took his Antarctica and Oceanography classes, both really great. He clearly is very passionate, he also includes all the lectures and recordings online. He allows cheat sheets on exams as well. Highly recommend for getting science GEs out of the way.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

EARTH 10: lectures were great and all online. very nice professor and allows cheat sheets for midterm and final. clear what is on both and if you study and pay attention you can do good.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

such a cool professor !! nothing negative to say about him or Antarctica class. easy A if you pay attention in lectures and he gives cheat sheets for midterm and final :)

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Alex is a great and enthusiastic teacher. He lectures are well organized and he posts recordings in case you miss class. He is very clear about what you need to study which I really appreciate.

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11460 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

I took Earth10, and he is extremely passionate and knowledgeable in the things he teaches.(and his lectures are further enhanced by his charismatic personality.) Like today the projector broke down, and yet he was still able to teach us without his slides, which truly shows he knows his stuff!! He also includes cats in his slides sometimes :D 10/10

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Alex is an AMAZING professor who truly cares about his students. He is passionate about what he teaches and it shows through the level of care and detail that he puts into his lectures. He is genuinely kind and tries to make himself available to his students and is open to criticism and suggestions/

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Very passionate about what he teaches and is able to convey what material needs to be learned well. Not a harsh grading criteria and tests are decently easy if you pay attention.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Easy GE if you're looking to knock out an Area C. Alex's tests were very fair and he also graded on a curve. He posts recorded lectures online. All the test questions came from material on the lecture, so textbook isn't really mandatory.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Alex is always super engaging and funny. He gave us study guides, cheat sheets, recorded lectures for if you miss a day. The lab content isn't on the midterms/finals. Didn't use the textbook - everything is on his slides. There are 2 midterms + final. Overall highly recommend this class. Curved at the end of the quarter.

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

It feels like Alex is one of us, like he's on our side. Great lectures, and if you pay attention you will be fine on the exams. Cheat sheets encourage you to prepare for the exam cuz there's no excuse to do very badly. Ended with a 92.86 as someone who doesn't love science and am hoping the curve takes me to an A. Make sure you take one of his GE's

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EARTH4 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Cannot ask for a better prof than Alex for a class like this. He is clearly very passionate about the material he teaches and puts a lot of work into preparing the classes for us. The class has a lot of info in it, but cheat sheets are allowed in exams. Quizzes and labs help understanding. Overall a great prof and a great intro into Oceanography.

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11403 . Wrobel A J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Absolutely goated. Favorite professor I've ever had, he is very into what he is teaching and overall has an amazing vibe. Don't skip lectures though if you take this class because he goes over a lot.

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