Mercy Anyika
68 reviews

CHEM109B . Anyika M 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Had her for the full series and she is my favorite professor ever. The series is very hard if seeking an A, but this is not her fault. She is funny, transparent with material that can appear on tests, and will give credit if you defend your answers well. She goes the extra mile to help students pursue outside opportunities. I highly recommend her.

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CHEM109B . Anyika M 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

109B made me hate Ochem, loved 109A/C. 109B is the worst one out of the series (got an A in 109A) will be hard no matter who you take. Her lectures are great, clear, concise. Tests are difficult + based on book probs/reading/lecture/wksts. The synthesis questions killed me. Super stingy with partial credit. Funny and sweet, but MERCY has NO MERCY.

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CHEM109B . Anyika M 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Ochem is actually just a hard subject and Mercy is very passionate about what she teaches. She has clear lectures and is very open to questions. Even though I got a C-, it was 100% on me, SO DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS. Professor Mercy is a great choice for chemistry, so dont skip out on her.

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CHEM109B . Anyika M 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

read the textbook, do book problems, and go to office hours

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CHEM109B . Anyika M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Incredibly tough, leaving the exams and feeling like an idiot is normal. That being said, she is very clear on the material, and is incredibly helpful in off time. Not an easy professor by any means, but if you are willing to put in the work you can get a good grade. Tests were hard, but not impossible. Get friends to study with and do CLAS.

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Love her. Ochem is hard, there's no way around that, but Dr. Anyika clearly cares a lot and tries her best to deliver the material smoothly. Do the book problems, go to class, and get help if you need it. Dr. Anyika is bubbly, passionate, and helpful.

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Anyika makes her expectations very clear for the tests and gives you the materials you need to succeed. I don't really understand the poor reviews. It's a tough class that requires effort outside of lecture. Not much she can cover in 50 minute class periods. Stay on top of practice problems and attend CLAS. Her tests are VERY fair imo.

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

O-chem is hard so there is not much a professor can do. I think she is getting better with every quarter at UCSB. Just do the book problems, worksheets, mastering chemistry, and go to her office hours for questions. Yes the class is hard but it's also doable if you try.

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

This was a very tough class and I probably spent 4 hours a day studying the material. But if you put in the work (read before class/do all practice problems) the class is very doable. I think Prof Anyika gets a bad rep sometimes just because the material is hard, but i actually found her lectures very helpful after doing the reading.

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Very bad. She gives you 100+ problems that you should know that could appear on the test. She makes the content so much more confusing. Quizzes are very unclear. Do not take her whatever you do.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

One of the most traumatizing experiences of my life. Her tests are ridiculously difficult and unpredicatable. Students were in tears after every midterm. When students tried to ask for explanations to test questions she got incredibly defensive and refused to give out any partial credit. I considered changing my major after taking her class.

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Do not take Anyika. Bad professor, bad tests, bad grading, just bad. I don't learn anything from her lectures and she paces them horribly. I had to read the entire textbook and watch videos on every topic if I wanted a chance at passing her tests. I could not stand this class and I am happy to never have to take Anyika again.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Lectures get confusing and she falls behind in material compared to other professors. Wastes too much time on Iclicker questions that didn't teach you anything and has annoying quizzes on Gauchospace that were unnecessarily hard. Tests are hard in general but she tries to trick you for no reason. Overall not worth taking

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

The most soul crushing, humbling experience in my life. There are three midterms, all with uneven point distributions, for 60% of your final grade. I reviewed every practice problem and example question we had ever done in class, but no matter what my grade just dropped due to meticulous trick questions on these tests. good luck.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Don't get the hate. She had hard exams, in a sense that the questions were difficult, however she literally us you exactly the book/quiz/practice problems to know how to solve. Only criticism I have is that she was somewhat stingy with her free response.

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CHEM109A . Anyika M 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

I had her for Chem1C and had the most negative experience but took her again for ochem because people told me she's better at that. she is slightly better at ochem, but that only goes so far. her attitude and teachings are cold and her office hours are pointless. she doesn't care to explain one-on-one and is just not a good quality teacher.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

Definitely the easiest Chem 1 teacher I had. Her tests are very simple, mostly from book problems/practice. Though questions are "easier" she does include free response, so get ready to lose points over MINOR errors (no partial credit). Doesn't usually post slides, go to lecture. She has a sweet demeanor but can be really harsh at times, be aware.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

BRUTAL!!! I got a B- in both 1A and 1B with Joseph but had a terrible time with Anyika in 1C even though 1C is known to be the "easiest" of the series. Extreme even after doing all of the assigned book problems, practice tests, in-class problems, and CLAS resources. No one had good things to say about her, even the CLAS tutors bashed her. AVOID.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

The tests were gnarly for the most part. They all seem like she's trying to trick you, but to her credit 14/17 questions are pulled from the textbook questions, quizzes, iClickers, and ALEKS. It really does take immense studying to do well, but the curve was FATTY. She is the hardcode of the Chem professors

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

Her midterms are pretty doable considering the fact that she selects midterm questions from iclicker, textbook and ALEKS problems. The final curve was really generous. I won't say she's superb at lecturing but you actually learn some stuff.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

Anyika was definitely the hardest gen chem teacher I've had. Had both Price and Joseph and would choose them over her in a heartbeat. The lectures were very rushed toward the end, her tests were extremely difficult even after doing all of the book problems and practice midterms. Not great overall hopefully she's better for ochem.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

If you review quiz, book problems, and practice tests, the midterms would be very easy. However, don't expect to do good on the quizzes or the final. The quizzes do not give enough time and are hard even after doing all book problems. The Professor is nice and funny but is a little harsh for gen chem (tests MC and short ans are all or nothing).

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

As much as I enjoyed taking this class with Dr. Mercy, passing was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, despite getting excellent grades in both Chem 1A and 1B.

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CHEM1C . Anyika M 2 Years Ago

This is the worst professor I have had here so far. If you manage to get into her Chem 1C class prepare to work 3 to 5 times harder than you have with any other professor. She grades with no partial credit and puts trick questions on her exams. It is almost as if her goal is to fail as many students as possible and cry. Take Joseph!!

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