Aims to unravel the mystery of Jazz?s allure, importance, and performance process, in a manner mostly divorced from technical musical terminology or music theory, through targeted readings, listening assignments, written projects, in-class visits, and concert attendance.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeAt first, Jon seems like a likable and charismatic professor, this is a misconception. He is uncongenial and monotonous to interact with on a weekly basis. Jon seems to think that UCSB is the Julliard School of Music. I believe he has watched the movie Whiplash one too many times and taken on the personality of Terence Fletcher (probably his hero).
The lectures are pretty boring but the class itself is very easy. If you do all the work and show up to class, you're pretty much guaranteed an A. Nathan does seem to care a bit too much about jazz but at least he's passionate.
Not great, seems very set in his ways and unwilling to respect the diversity of his student's opinions. Willing to name-call his students, witnessed him calling an ensemble student of his a "tall glass of water" in front of an entire audience to her visible discomfort.
Save yourself. This guy really likes jazz
you have to show up and take notes. you had to do papers and go to concerts. you dont have to be super into jazz but if you do all the work youre literally guaranteed an A
Enjoyed the material so much & learned a lot! Kind of uses labor based grading which was refreshing. He gave a lot of great feedback which inspired me to improve. Wish I could take this class every quarter. Maybe I just love jazz. Besides that, it was a lot of opinion based writing. Lots of reading too, but still an easy A I feel.