Microeconomic issues of developing nations. Applications of analytical tools to the microeconomic problems of developing nations. Topics include poverty and income distributions, population, rural-urban migration, education, nutrition, labor supply, and poverty wages.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeShe is great
Professor Benelli is a great professor. Her teaching style may seem a bit unorthodox, but she really cares about her students that show initiative. Showing up to lecture isn't mandatory, but its HIGHLY recommended! Most exam questions are hinted at during lecture, giving the students who show up an advantage. Thanks Cindy!
One of the best econ professors at UCSB. She knows her stuff when it comes to econ related materials, and she is certainly one of the most caring professors I've had at UCSB. As a professor, empathy is a vital component to being a successful and I believe that Cindy truly cares about her students. Thank you professor for everything!
Prof. Benelli is caring, but her lack of organization just ruins the class. Lectures can be confusing, and sometimes she would just explain a concept that isn't relevant to the course. I appreciate her for recording lectures, but she sometimes a week late to post them. Paper and final needs more guided instruction of what she wants.
The most disorganized prof I have ever seen. Lectures are messy. She promised to do a lot of things but did not do any. She would mess up your study plan. It is the 5th week now, but she still hasn't posted any instructions about our homework, quizzes, and papers. I am so confused about this class.
Benelli is a great professor, and personable, She really cares for her students and does everything in her power to get the best out of them. Attending class is important for preparation of the quizzes. She goes over the models and possible exam questions only in class, and if you don't attend you miss out on information that's not in the book.