An intensive course designed to develop students' skills in reading, oral, and written expression by reading and discussing Hispanic texts, and writing compositions on related topics.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProf vargas is a great professor! he truly is very passionate about what he teaches!! he assigns a LOT of reading, but its an interesting class. he cancels class alot. one midterm, a paper, and a final. really good class!
By far the best professor i've had here at UCSB, i learned so much and i can tell he really cares about his students doing well. I enjoyed his class because he teaches from the heart and loves what he teaches! im happy to say i will be taking another course with him.
Workingclass History. Please take this class if possible. Impossibly easy grader, cancelled the final one week prior to the end of the quarter, offered to write everyone letters of rec. Incredible. Knows a lot about the subject, but struggles to convey it. Can be frustrating, but worth the boredom. Only grades were midterm (A) and paper (A).
Easy class in the summer final and a paper at the last day thats it, lectures had a very depressing, pessimistic view on American, Mexican expansion history. Tries to get students a good grades, too bad isn't teaching at UCSB anymore.
Very easy in summer session, one paper and final. Is all over the place in lectures but will clarify what you need to know for the test and paper. Had no interest in the topic, just took it for a GE, but ended up really enjoying the class, Vargas is a very interesting and funny professor. One of the best professors in the history dept.
Prof. Vargas although altra liberal, is still a fine scholar who isnt afraid to be honest. He kindled my intrest in Latin American history which I now plan to study in Grad school