Drawing on the conversation analysis approach, this course explores how social categories, including those that have traditionally been of interest to sociologists (e.g., gender, race, and sexuality), are used by participants in naturally occurring everyday interactions. Methodological challenges and debates in this area are also examined.

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

Kevin Whitehead
28 reviews
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SOC 136C Whitehead K A Spring 2023 Total: 87
SOC 136C Whitehead K A Winter 2022 Total: 84
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SOC136C . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

he's literally the best professor i've had at UCSB. im not sure what the negative reviews are about, I took both 136A/C & they were all very interesting classes! If you go to study tables there is no way you can fail. He also provides you with all the information you'll need on canvas& give you a time bank of five days to turn in assignments late.

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SOC136C . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

such a chill prof! him and his TA were very kind and were always available to help. attend study tables if you're struggling!!!! it reaaally helped me get through the course. the material was super interesting, but i feel like i only had a better understanding of it because i previously took ling courses so take it if you're interested in that

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SOC136C . 4 Years Ago

You will love Professor Whitehead. He lets you learn at your own pace and is readily available for any questions or concerns. I really enjoyed his class and felt he worked with me on things I did not understand or got wrong with my assignments/projects. You will not regret taking this class.

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SOC136C . 4 Years Ago

I took Professor Whitehead's class online and he was great! He sent out 2 pre-recorded lectures a week (which you should definitely go through if you want to do well in the class). All the core content of the class is within these lectures, and the examples are especially helpful for the weekly homework assignments. Workload wasn't bad at all!

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SOC136C . 4 Years Ago

Weekly assignment, weekly forum post, a data collection exercise, and an 1800-2200 word final paper. The class was intimidating at first, but you will get the hang of it. Not an easy A class because you do have to put in work to get a decent grade. A lot of reading. Go to lecture and look at his slides. Lecture is a bit dry. He offers extra credit

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SOC136 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

A great professor and super accessible if you need help. A lot of group interaction work which is helpful. Very interesting topics and he does an excellent job at lecturing. 10/10 recommend.

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See all 28 reviews
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