Capstone seminar for the Minor in Poverty, Inequality, and Social Justice. Students participate in structured discussion and in-depth reflection of the knowledge acquired through interdisciplinary coursework and internship experiences, to produce a final paper, series of essays or policy briefs, and/or other kinds of creative products in consultation with the course instructor. Students will present their work at a public symposium, providing an opportunity to hone their public speaking skills, while contributing to community understanding of how poverty and inequality can be addressed through purposive social research and action.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeLectures could be boring at times, but Prof Miller is witty and does their best to keep things interesting. There are weekly homework assignments, two midterms, and a final. As long as you do the practice exams, you should be fine. I found sections to be a complete waste of time but that depends on the TA.
PSTAT 5LS with Miller is a walk in the park. They are super understanding of life situations, have very clear lecture material, and great practice material. They implement several "lowest grade dropped" for homework, section attendance, and journal entries. Literally just do the practice test and review lecture notes and you'll be golden for exams.
Prof. Miller was a great professor. Their tests were fair and sections helped my understanding of the material a lot (not a waste of time to go!). Overall minimal effort needed to still be successful. Also, to get full credit on homework go to office hours to check your answers.
Professor Miller was very, very caring for their students, honestly amazing in that regard. Lectures were a bit boring I would say and some tangents, the class is overall easy and there are a few tricks sometimes on the exams, but the homeworks were easy (weekly) and journaling too. 2 sections per week for a little bit of coding and review.
Professor Miller is a great professor! The class was honestly pretty low-stakes, and all you really need to do for exams is look over the slides and take section time seriously. 2 midterms and a final, and extra credit is offered. You can definitely tell they really cared for their students, and really hoped the best for us. Highly recommend!
Doc is an amazing lecturer! This class is super easy and felt like high school stats honestly. Doc is super understanding and you can tell that they genuinely care about their students. Weekly homework and journaling, but it's not that time consuming. Highly highly recommend this stats class.