Oral reports by students.

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor.





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

Armand Kuris
34 reviews
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Winter 2024 . Kuris A M
MLAB 3103
14:30 PM - 15:30 PM
Spring 2024 . Kuris A M
MLAB 3103
14:30 PM - 15:30 PM
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EEMB 194T Kuris A M Spring 2024 Total: 7
EEMB 194T Kuris A M Winter 2024 Total: 11
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EEMB111 . Kuris A M 11 Months Ago

Dr. Kuris is a funny and well respected professor, his lectures are engaging and always super interesting. Lab practicals are very hard and require a TONNN of time put into studying, but if you put the work in it will be VERY rewarding. Not an easy class, but I would still recommend taking it.

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EEMB111 . Kuris A M 1 Year, 22 Days Ago

My favorite professor at UCSB! Dr. Kuris genuinely cares about students and is very passionate about invertebrates and parasites. He's very responsive to emails and is very easy to talk to during office hours. Go take EEMB 111 and 112 before he retires! The lab practicals are tough, but dissections are so fun. Amazing and funny professor.

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EEMB112 . Kuris A M 2 Years Ago

Kuris is incredibly passionate about invertebrates and it shows through in his lectures. Though the exams and practicals are hard, if you take a lot of time to study, you'll do well. Go 2 lecture! The TA's this quarter care a lot about their students doing well, and both Kuris and the TA's have been making it clear what to focus on for the exams.

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EEMB112 . Kuris A M 2 Years Ago

- Lab AND lecture midterm in the same week...I have other midterms that week, get a grip - Jump rule punishes those who do well on the first test - They make the class so difficult and unfair that a 50% has to be a passing grade - Expect you to remember an atrocious amount of taxonomy and anatomy - Don't care about students wellbeing or learning

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EEMB111 . Kuris A M 2 Years Ago

The lecture exams were fair and if you have a good memory they're not bad at all, but the practicals are really hard because of the sheer amount of info tested. He's pretty generous with grading though and I know a lot of people who got As. Overall, not an easy class and it requires a ton of time, but it was one of my favorite classes.

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EEMB111 . Kuris A M 2 Years Ago

Loved class & professors, absolutely HATED lab. Required to memorize all taxonomy, pathology, hosts, life cycle, ETC. of hundreds of parasites for practicals, NO ONE did well. TAs not helpful when asked what to focus on for practicals, basically just said to study everything. Altered grading scale, but no curve. Don’t take as an UD bio elective.

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See all 34 reviews
EEMB 192
14 / 48 Enrolled
Special Topics in Biological Sciences
Sam Sweet 4.3
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
100.0% A
0 / 10 Enrolled
Marine Microbiology
Craig Carlson 4.1
100.0% A
0 / 10 Enrolled
Theoretical Ecology and Evolution
Cherie Briggs 4.2
100.0% A
0 / 10 Enrolled
Trends in Climate Change Mitigation
Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez 1.0
4 / 10 Enrolled
Plant Ecology
Erik Love 4.2 Josh Schimel 3.3 Ryoko Oono 2.2
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
86.6% A
2 / 10 Enrolled
Evolutionary Biology
Todd Oakley 3.4 Thomas L. Turner 3.9
15:00 PM - 16:50 PM
100.0% A