Introduction into the physics of semiconductors, for beginning engineering graduate students. Crystal structure. Reciprocal lattice and crystal diffraction. Electrons in periodic structures. Energy and bands. Semiconductor electrons and probes, fermi statistics.

Prerequisites: ECE 162A or 162B.





1, 2, 3


Graduate students only

Level Limit


Unlocks ECE 221B ECE 227B ECE 211B MATRL 211B MATRL 268B
Jim Speck
9 reviews
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ECE 215A Speck J S Winter 2021 Total: 6
ECE 215A Mukherjee K Winter 2020 Total: 13
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MATER101 . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

The class had no structure

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MATRL101 . 9 Years Ago

Jim was the worst Professor I have ever taken at this University. He does not talk about what we should know until the last 15 minutes of lecture. The other hour he goes to a slide and talks about his own research and strokes his ego. The TA's are the ones who make the horrible homework, which is full of errors. They grade very tough.

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MATRL101 . 9 Years Ago

Speck is by far the laziest professor I have ever had. He stole the entirety of his course material from a slideshare. He just shows up and reads off the powerpoint (which is filled with errors and very shallow) while the TA's do all the grading and test/hw writing. HW is long. Tests are hard and MEs are at a disadvantage to CEs in a curved class.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATRL101 . 9 Years Ago

The TAs write all the homework & exams. The TAs expect you to read the book and Google the answers for problems in the HW. The teacher uses premade powerpoint slides from the book publisher. Not really sure what the Professor even does. The powerpoint slides are pretty disconnected from what the TA's expect you to know. The TAs are also really bad.

5 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATRL101 . 10 Years Ago

Lectures are interesting if you participate. Otherwise, falling asleep in class is likely. Speck is very knowledgeable but it's obvious he doesn't put much thought or time into the class. Homeworks and tests are written by the TA's and homeworks can be brutally long and unclear. Attend discussion sections and work on homework there!!!!

0 helpful 2 unhelpful
MATRL101 . 16 Years Ago

I attended the first two weeks of lecture and stopped after that. Simply put, ME's like me can't stay awake in lecture, and I enjoy materials. Pretty much just crammed for the midterm and pulled an all-niter for the final and got a B.

4 helpful 0 unhelpful
See all 9 reviews
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