Explores issues and questions about computer-mediated communication and social media in a variety of relationship stages (such as impression formation and relational development to relationship maintenance and termination), contexts (friendship and romantic relationships, collaboration and work), and technologies, in order to understand the psychological, interpersonal, professional, social, and cultural impacts of digital communication media on human relationships. The main course objective is to develop a critical and practical view of online communication--how it differs and how it doesnt--by applying the processes and principles from theories and research to issues and patterns of interactive communication technology use.

Prerequisites: Not open to Freshmen.





1, 2, 3


Not open to freshmen

Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only comm intst
Joe Walther
15 reviews
Winter 2024 . Walther J B King J L K
ILP 2211
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
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COMM 185 Walther J B Winter 2024 Total: 74
COMM 185 Edwards A L Summer 2023 Total: 30
See All
COMM185 . Walther J B 9 Months Ago

Joe is a very sweet man, but his lectures can get boring. His class overall is pretty easy with 3 quizzes (15pts each), simple 5pt assignments, and some extra credit. Just have to read a few articles each week and follow the lecture outlines that he gives out. Not sure if I'd go out of my way to have him again, but also wouldn't be mad if I did.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 9 Months Ago

Joe is an awesome professor. He is extremely helpful and cares about his students. Nonetheless this class is definitely challenging, if you pay attention in class, ask questions and attend office hours you will do fine.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 9 Months Ago

Joe is such a great professor! Class had 3 exams, a group quiz, and some random participation assigments. Gives 5% extra credit for sona, gives extra credit on group quiz, and curves exams.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 11 Months Ago

I'm so sorry this was the most boring class I've ever taken. Prof droned on for hours in a super monotone voice that was hard to stay awake through. Clearly not too receptive of class behavioral feedback, either.

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COMM185 . Walther J B 2 Years Ago

I absolutely love Professor Walther. He really helped guide my through his course. His weekly quizzes can be tricky but if you do the readings, and go to TA office hours every week, the TA will help guide you on what concepts to focus on. That really helped me get through the course. He was extremely understanding and cares a lot about his students

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COMM185 . Walther J B 2 Years Ago

Professor Walther is one of the most caring professors I've met. His class is graded on weekly quizzes and light participation, it's not an easy class but it isn't too hard either. When I expressed how I was stressed, him and his TA really helped guide me through it. He truly wants to see his students succeed, and you'll learn SO much from him.

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See all 15 reviews
6 / 15 Enrolled
Senior Honors Thesis
Gordon Abra 3.9
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
98.1% A
COMM 184
50 / 50 Full
Social Media: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
27.3% A
COMM 188
79 / 79 Full
News, Politics, & Democracy
Jiayin Pan 3.6 Dan Lane 4.9
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
69.9% A
COMM 194
0 / 50 Enrolled
Group Studies for Advanced Students
Walid Afifi 3.6
100.0% A
COMM 197
0 / 50 Enrolled
Communication Internship
Young Ji Kim 4.0
92.9% A
COMM 199
0 / 10 Enrolled
Independent Studies in Communication
91.7% A