Medical chemistry for lead optimization, combinatorial synthesis, quantitative structure-activity relationships, pharmocokinetics, drug metabolism and toxicity, pharmacogenomics. Drugs that interact with DNA and protein drugs. Clinical trials, intellectual property in drug design. Students develop their own drug design project.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeTruly one of the best teachers I've had at UCSB. I was worried about taking this class because I've heard he's very tough, but he's literally so sweet. He cares so much about his students individually. He stayed late in his office to help me with homework, slowed the course down, and asked us what he could do to improve his tests and listened 10/10
The contents aren't too difficult, but you should expect devoting a lot of time in homework assignments, which is like a small project each. Attend lectures definitely saves your time.
Dr. Kahn's classes are VERY HARD but his material is always interesting and he constantly pushes students towards harder concepts. If you really try and work hard you will succeed. Please go to his office hours if you need help. He is very kind and supportive, even if he may seem intimidating. DO NOT CHEAT OR SLACK OFF IN HIS CLASS
Don't take him, switch to biochem MCDB or take biochem at another UC. Always thinks someone is cheating, too much homework and assigns before midterms. Made us read a article on wikipedia to find the mistake when it wasn't there as a quiz question. Extremely condescending, started off with 44 students and about 16 were. Avoid him at all cost plzz
He will make you want to give up on college and/or life even though you are about to graduate.
He's passive-aggressive and doesn't grade fairly. Some students answered the same question essentially the same way and one got no points and the other got full credit. He will kick you out of class for using the solutions as other students cause he considers it cheating. His tests are on things he barely covers.