Familiarizes engineering students with biological processing and production at multiple scales. Chemical engineering principles will be infused with key biological concepts, including an introduction to biochemistry, cell biology, and molecular biology.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitEngineering
CollegeI think the class tries to cram 1+ years of general biology into 10 weeks and it feels like some of the details are lost, especially when the midterm/final usually tested those details. Definitely a tough class if you aren't bio-inclined like me, but you'll do fine if you attend lectures + a few office hours.
107 is just a generally disliked class by most ChemEs, but I liked Professor O' Malley a lot. She's very accessible outside of class and is helpful beyond just the course curriculum.
Really clear lectures. Made biology easier to understand.
Lectures and notes online are clear but her homework and her tests often have material that wasn't covered in class or in the reading. Participation is worth 5% and causes awkward silences in class. Her slides don't have all the info you need for tests and you have to really listen and take good notes when she lectures using powerpoint.