Lecture, field and laboratory activities explore the evolutionary origin and diversification of life in a phylogenetic context, from bacteria and archaea to plants, fungi and animals.
1 - 6
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeLower division only
Level LimitCreative studies
John/Prof Latto is one of the funniest professors! He often makes jokes during lecture to help students understand certain biological concepts. He also genuinely cares about helping his students learn and understand and that doesn't necessarily mean by helping you get a better grade. He keeps his lectures entertaining and very educational!!
Hilarious professor. Keeps things frank and to the point, encourages students to start discussions and interesting debates. No midterms or final!! :)
Super nice professor! He's very considerate of his students and wants you to succeed. Clearly passionate about his teaching. Low-stakes grading with weekly quizzes that are open note and recorded lectures
Latto is one of the best professors I have had at UCSB in a STEM class!! He very obviously cares about his students and wants to see us succeed. His lectures are interesting and funny. He sets you up for success with his exams as he gives plenty of study materials. I really appreciate how he really interacts with us like we're humans.
John latto singlehandedly made me enjoy biology again! He is amusing, accessible, and awesome. Final was online, lectures were uploaded for us to watch if we cannot attend, overall he's an amazing professor!