Explores how media and communications technologies, ranging from the telegraph and early computers to social media platforms and artificial intelligence, have shaped the politics of work and workplace control. Introduces students to theories of race, gender, and work, as well as literature from science and technology studies, the history of technology, and labor studies.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeSeniors only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeLudwig, when it comes to lecture style, worked perfectly for me. He clearly outlined derivations and interesting content throughout the course. Homework was among the hardest I've ever had, but informative if you got the right answer. Exams were decent, the problems being much easier than homework sets although at times a little unclear.
When I grow up I want to be like Andreas Ludwig.
He is very nice. Love the Dutch accent. Lecture can get too theoretical and boring, but the class itself isn't bad. Tests are pretty difficult, but this guy is easier than some of the other professors.
He spends too much time on conceptual things and not enough time on examples. The class was still fairly easy though. I really like his Dutch accent...
Nice guy but is not good for an introduction to physics. Takes too much time showing how equations are derived and how, rather than showing examples of how they can be used or how they apply to our homework.
Seems like a nice professor but physics is not an easy class and to thoroughly understand the material; you'll need more than his lectures... a lot more. He does the lecture but if u don't know anything before going; you'll be lost the whole way. So take it upon yourself and study hard. You cannot rely on the lectures.