The effects of media communication on individual cognitive processes and the social environment. Emphasis on media effects on individual attitudes, family interaction, children, perceptions of minorities, sex-role stereotyping and other outcomes.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeNot open to freshmen
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeTook her CommW113 class and it was great. Very few Comm profs at UCSB know how to teach an online class well and she is one of the good ones. Pros: very organized, flexible, provides handouts for her slides, caring about accessibility needs. Cons: Lots of low stake assignments every week. Apply it assignments are hard
One of best lecturers I have had. Clear, concise, and gives great examples. She is very upfront about the structure of the class and the grading criteria. It uses a gamification model so you can pick and choose the assignments you want to complete. No exams but lots of assignments for fewer points. It's good for me because exams give me anxiety.
She has you doing a lot of work per week and it is all like out of 5 points so although she gives like 10 or more points of leeway at the end of the quarter it is easy to miss a lot of points so beware but it is not the hardest its just like a lot of busy work. If you find a fun group it is fun but you don't need groups
Professor Saleem is awesome! One lecture a week, a hybrid class format where attendance is not mandatory. No exams or essays, just weekly discussion posts, a quiz, and a reading guide that can be done at your own pace. She is super flexible and kind and seems to genuinely care about the needs of students.
I love this class! The content is super interesting and Professor Saleem applies a lot of the material into real-life examples and studies. She's SO organized and her lectures are amazing. During the quarter, she sent out 2 surveys that asked for our preferences and she actually used our answers to make changes to the class. Definitely recommend!
Super accommodating prof! Her class has lots of assignments but they are not worth a lot of points. That means that if you miss a few, you won't bomb the class. Also, she has a 10 point freebie, no questions asked. Fair, clear, and very professional!