This course examines the main ideologies guiding the establishment of various representations of sexuality from prewar scientific writings to contemporary popular culture.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeBest prof at UCSB! She really knows her stuff and her lectures are never boring! There's no textbook and I never really found it necessary to read assigned articles. Make sure you attend every lecture since 95% of her test material is lecture based!! Write notes on a laptop- she goes fast sometimes. Write down what she says about images or events!
She has a European accent and says "idea" "ideeur" a LOT. she favors japanese students. she doesnt like americans but says that americans have a nice culture. everytime she talks about the country of Japan, she refers it to "us" or "my" as if she was from Japan (which shes not....) the class is kind of boring and repeats herself. easy class though
Thought the class would be interesting, but turned out to mainly focus on period between WWI and WWII. Teacher was REALLY condescending. Didn't tie readings to lecture at all. Tests were easy; when she gave examples of questions "similar" to those on the test, they were the exact ones that appeared on the test. Don't bother unless you need the GE.
such an interesting class! i went to all but one lecture and enjoyed them. tests were straightforward and graded very leniently. attendance in lecture is crucial for the tests and i strongly recommend reading the reader. she gives a study guide with all the test questions, so if you study, you'll get an a.
Prof Fruhstuck's lectures are average. She doesn't add much words to her slides so be prepared to listen to everything she has to say. The readings she assigns weren't that boring but she assigns so much that it stacks onto the Chinese readings and it can get hard to be on track. If thinking of taking 4b for a GE, don't.
Being a research assistant w/ Prof. for a term as a freshman, the project was very interesting and reasonably easy given consideration to my class level, prof was a little busy some days but super accessible and friendly, and willing to help. She wrote me an (I think strong) recommendation for transfer. Really appreciate such an opportunity!