This course will provide an overview of how VC and PE firms operate. Topics include how VC/PE firms are structured and how they manage a fund over the course of its life cycle: raising a fund, sourcing deals, evaluating investment opportunities, valuing businesses, negotiating term sheets with entrepreneurs, adding value to portfolio companies, and exiting investments. While this course takes the perspective of the investor, it will also cover the funding life cycle of a typical start-up with an emphasis on what the roles of VC and PE are relative to other sources of financing. Course material will be presented primarily through case studies and selected readings.
2 - 4
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeNot open to freshmen
Level LimitEngineering
CollegeItalian 3 with Professor Arnold was a solid experience. She doesn't do a lot of electronic work, such as slides or movies. She teaches in an old fashion manner, but it works! Final and midterm are group projects, so beware. They suck, but are better than a written final.
Took Professor Arnold for Italian 1 and just finished her class for Italian 2. Sadly, she said this was her last quarter teaching because she is now going into retirement. I am going to miss her dearly and I hope my next Italian professors are as amazing as she is.
Took her for this class and loved it. Taking her for Italian 2 as well. Highly recommend her as a professor. Textbook is used and its expensive but worth it because the book lasts 3 quarters. Homework is due online every Friday and its so easy. Im fluent in Spanish so that made this class easier.
Attendance is taken randomly and is 10% of your grade. There was only five pretty simple quizzes. The midterm and final were group oral projects and then a short written paper. I highly suggest doing your written papers early and taking it into Italian drop-in at the SRB and having it corrected by a tutor. I did this and got A's on all my papers.
Does not utilize the class time as best as she could. Expects students to do the book exercises on their own and uses lecture time speaking Italian to students not alwasy very engaging. She is very helpful though if you talk with her.