Developments in American and European art since 1950 with an emphasis on the most recent decades. Focus ranges from the post-war impact of the New York School, Pop Art, Minimalism and Conceptualism to more recent, "postmodern" trends.

No Prerequisites





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

GEs Area F
Jennifer Vanderpool
29 reviews
Summer 2024 . Vanderpool J
ARTS 1344
09:00 AM - 11:05 AM
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ART 125 Vanderpool J Summer 2020 Total: 26
ART 125 Vanderpool J Summer 2019 Total: 21
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ART125 . Vanderpool J 13 Years Ago

Jen is intelligent, well-spoken, knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. HOWEVER.... She didnt show up to class numerous times... was ALWAYS at least 20 min LATE! asked the class to reschedule a section for her. and its just not worth it. She expects last minute drives to la gallerys. and a 130$ book is cheap to her. What world does she live in?

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ART1C . Vanderpool J 9 Months Ago

iClicker was required for lectures and material from lectures was on the 2 multiple choice exams. You could get by with just searching up the answers, though. Guest lecturers every week, so the professor wasn't actually teaching the course. TA was difficult about grading when I accidentally attached the wrong thing. Easy class overall, though.

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ART1C . Vanderpool J 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

The lectures and long and boring, but easy to digest. You can show up just long enough to take attendance and get away with simply looking up the websites of feature artists for the info on the two tests that make up the majority of your grade. Not challenging, and the professor herself doesn't teach. Guest artist presentations make up the course.

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ART1C . Vanderpool J 3 Years Ago

Art 1C you show up and get an A. Each week there is a guest speaker and that's the whole course.

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ART1C . Vanderpool J 3 Years Ago

This class was a joke. You either get an A or P for showing up to four presentations. I only ever went to one because I realized you could just submit your attendance online without having to be there. Take this for an effortless gpa boost.

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ART101 . Vanderpool J 9 Years Ago

Jennifer has an excuse almost every day for being in a bad mood. Her lectures are boring, and her class seems like a last minute put together thing. She has a weird way of grading group quizzes, although it is not hard to get an A in her class. She cuts students off when they try to ask a question and is brutal towards them sometimes. Not pleasant

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See all 29 reviews
ART CS 107
10 / 10 Full
History, Theory, and Criticism
Djouini I
14:00 PM - 16:20 PM
100.0% A
ART CS 107
11 / 12 Enrolled
History, Theory, and Criticism
Ignon M E
09:00 AM - 11:50 AM
100.0% A
ART CS 107
5 / 10 Enrolled
History, Theory, and Criticism
Purugganan L
16:00 PM - 18:20 PM
100.0% A
ART 117
21 / 18 Full
Intermediate Drawing
Eric Beltz 4.7
10:00 AM - 14:50 PM
69.5% A
ART 118
17 / 16 Full
Advanced Drawing
Eric Beltz 4.7
13:00 PM - 15:50 PM
79.1% A
ART CS 120
13 / 12 Full
Purugganan L
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
100.0% A