This course surveys Islamic civilization with an emphasis on its early and formative periods. The first part addresses geographical, historical, religious, and institutional contexts and expressions, and the second part explores intellectual, scientific, philosophical, and spiritual contributions.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor El Omari is quite difficult in how she grades and teaches. You can tell she wants you to succeed and really cares about what she is talking about. She is a harsh grader, but it all rounds out as long as you participate in class. Lectures are heavy. Discussions are fun as long as you read. Weekly assignments and quizzes. midterm and final
Professor Omari is very passionate about the subject and it shows in her lectures. She obviously cares about her students. The class was not electronic and everything was done on paper (not through Canvas). Attendance was mandatory and participation was a part of the grade, but she was super understanding if you need to miss a few classes.
Prof El Omari obviously cares about what she teaches & wants everyone to understand the lectures. Homework is just reading & the final/midterm are essays so it wasn't too much work. I enjoyed the class