Theory of social choice and voting. Benefit-cost analysis. Introduction to mechanism design theory. Assorted topics in public policy.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI wouldn't say Ted is a good lecturer, but he is definitively not as bad as many comments have portrayed him to be. If you cannot hear, sit in the front of the room and participate. Nothing is required, but it may be necessary to take extra time to read, practice, and review. Lectures are less useful than office hours, so bring your questions.
Bad professor. cannot hear him in the lecture because he is too old to speak. Many mistake in lecture slides and he will not explain the problems and answers he get in the hard example. Very difficult exam and homework. Do not take his course !
i don't think the lectures really help in the exam he gave
I've never had a class where the entire chapter homework is graded on correctness prior to the professor lecturing on it. The role of a professor is to teach the material not have you teach. Yes the student should come prepared to class having read the chapter but should not be responsible for knowing it at test level prior to class. Ridiculous.
Terrible teacher, plain and simple. Doesn't seem to care at all if students are confused, consistently does examples wrong in lecture, and grades the weekly homework on correctness when it's exclusively on material he hasn't taught yet. You will actually have to teach yourself this class.