India’s Ramayana is a rip-roaring adventure story, with kings, queens, heroes, villains, lovers, monsters, magic, and miracles. Over thousands of years across South Asia, it has also been the master narrative defining issues of critical ideological importance: power, gender, race, caste, divinity, dharma. In this course we will study the canonical Sanskrit text in translation and sample some of the epic’s tellings in vernacular media, including comic books, live performance, and television. The emphasis, however, will be on cinema, with a lineup of films featuring several spectacular recent Bollywood productions. How does this story, popular for for more than two thousand years, speak to the politics of the present?

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

William Elison
14 reviews
C LIT 186RA Elison W N Fall 2023 Total: 15
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RGST28 . 2 Months Ago

I thought Gandhi class would be mildly interesting, but upon hearing Elison drone on about god knows what killed any interest I had. Lectures were convoluted and had no direction or structure because he would just say whatever with no slides. So many assigned readings and films that we didn't really need. EASY grading, but so boring.

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RGST28 . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Reading is the core of the class. You need to read and stay on top of the readings to do well in the exams. Quizes are open notes and free A. The final exam is graded by your TA. I thought I did pretty good and got an A+ on the final. Midterm I thought I got an A+ and got an A-. So your entire grade is dependent on your TA. William is coated tho.

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RGST28 . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

i loved this class! one of the easiest GE's that most people don't know about. he makes his lectures interesting, and although not structured, he's very passionate. i barely did any of the assigned readings but as long as you pay attention in class you'll be fine. easily graded midterm, weekly take home quizzes and final on a topic of your choosing

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RGST162J . 2 Years Ago

Prof. Elison is great! His classes are interactive and thought-provoking. There are assigned readings and online quizzes alongside a couple papers, but everything is pretty manageable. Attendance is important, and lectures are discussion-driven and informative. Take his class!

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HIST28 . 2 Years Ago

He is very passionate about the topic so the class is fun. The lectures are kinda confusing sometimes as there are no slides/powerpoints. He kinda just talks and the daily attendance and weekly quizzes are based on lecture information. So take really detailed notes during lectures. Participation during the lectures AND sections is mandatory.

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HIST28 . 3 Years Ago

I'll be honest, I wasn't a fan of his method of teaching (no powerpoints and info off the top of his head). Make sure you participate a lot in section since that's what brought my grade down.

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See all 14 reviews
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