Advanced mathematical methods for engineers and scientists. Complex analysis, integral equations and green's functions. Asymptotic analysis of integrals and sums. Boundary layer methods and WKB theory.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 230A and consent of instructor.





1, 2, 3


Graduate students only

Level Limit


Glenn Fredrickson
9 reviews
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CH E 230B Fredrickson G Spring 2021 Total: 14
CH E 230B Fredrickson G Spring 2015 Total: 17
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CHE132A . 2 Years Ago

Very theoretical in lectures, midterm easy, final insanely hard, but clearly curved. He is very intelligent and fair in the end

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CHE132A . 8 Years Ago

Glenn was an amazing prof!! He is insanely smart; ask him any question and he has an answer. Also, his passion for the subject is truly inspiring. I live for the smile he flashes after he finishes lecturing something awesome. 1 MIDTERM + 1 FINAL

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CHE132A . 8 Years Ago

This is the only 8 am class I ever enjoyed. His lecture handouts are super clear and helpful, and I use them for many of my other classes.

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CHE132A . 8 Years Ago

I have never met a man who is more passionate about what he does than this man. He smiles at the thought of math, and his smile inspires happiness in others. Glenn Fredrickson is the best professor at UCSB.

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CHE132A . 8 Years Ago

Probably the smartest ChE professor. He knows everything there is to know about math. The man is a genius he got his PhD in 4 years. 132A has pretty long homeworks. The midterm was easy and final was a little more challenging than expected. Good luck in your future classes. You're almost there!

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CHE132A . 14 Years Ago

Excellent professor who is very happy to help all his students. Really smart guy. People complained about the HW but I never thought it was too bad. He explains everything on the HW in lecture so just really pay attention in class and you'll do well.

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