Seminars in topics related to Climate Sciences and Climate Change. Course covers key concepts and research methods related to climate, climate variability and change and impacts. Lectures consist of guest seminars primarily from Faculty participating in the Climate Sciences & Climate Change PhD Emphasis; the course serves as a venue to foster interaction among graduate students participating in the Emphasis, Researchers and Faculty.

No Prerequisites





1, 2, 3


Graduate students only

Level Limit

Letters and science

Leila Carvalho
6 reviews
Spring 2024 . De Carvalho L
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
See All
GEOG 287 De Carvalho L Spring 2024 Total: 5
GEOG 287 Jones C Spring 2022 Total: 5
GEOG110 . 11 Months Ago

Good course but kind of boring. Some materials were covered in my GEOG119 course so this made the course easier. Easy assignments. The exams were a little bit difficult but we were allowed to bring cheatsheet. Also, there was extra credits.

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GEOG3B . 10 Years Ago

Her accent did make it hard to understand at first, but you can get used to it. Attendance was completely unnecessary since all the powerpoints were online. It's easy to skip reading altogether and still get an A. Boring material, kind of a review of high school bioenvironmental science. Overall, very easy GE.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
GEOG3B . 10 Years Ago

The power point slides are pretty much straight from the book and even so they aren't that specific. Dr Carvahlo is very nice, but there were a few times where the lecture was completely unnecessary to attend. For example, there were a couple of times where we just talked about the day's weather. Overall, it's a pretty easy class and the book helps

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
GEOG3B . 10 Years Ago

Lectures are long and unnecessary to attend. She uploaded all the lecture notes onto guachospace. The assignments were extremely easy (with the book). Her tests were fairly simple, based mostly off definitions.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
GEOG3B . 10 Years Ago

Dr. Carvalho usually only teaches upper-division classes, so I understand why her teaching 3B was a little awkward. Her accent isn't nearly as bad as some other professors at UCSB and it's actually pretty adorable. She can also be really funny and she genuinely loves teaching. She does tend to read right off of the slides, which isn't the best.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
GEOG3B . 10 Years Ago

I was completely overwhelmed by her chaotic lectures. She always uploaded power points and lecture notes late, which is at the second day of that lecture. I had a hard time with her accent, and her power points are abstract and unorganized. Most importantly she copies her lecture from the book, which makes attending lecture completely a waste.

1 helpful 3 unhelpful
GEOG 229
4 / 4 Full
Environmental Perception and Cognition
Dan Montello 2.9
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
66.7% A
GEOG 237
0 / 4 Enrolled
Quantitative Geomorphology
Vamsi Ganti 3.3
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
88.9% A
GEOG 274
10 / 10 Full
Advanced Topics in Conservation GIS
Frazier A
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
GEOG 280
7 / 15 Enrolled
Climate Research Meetings
Qinghua Ding 4.3
12:00 PM - 13:50 PM
98.1% A
0 / 4 Enrolled
Special Topics in Geography
Charles Jones 3.3
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
96.3% A
GEOG 290
4 / 10 Enrolled
Advanced Location Theory and Modeling
Dawn Murray 4.0
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
100.0% A