Writing 109HU focuses on the analysis of various forms of writing for the humanities, both academic and professional. Attention is paid to the modes of argumentation, research methods, stylistic conventions, and development of original inquiry.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeGreat profesor with easy to do papers, and very nice with grades.
Christene is the best writing professor I've ever met. Her lectures sare interesting, the expectations are clear, and she is super supportive.
Professor D'anca is a 10/10 professor. There are alot of reading to do, but that is counter acted by her nice grading policy. Attendance is mandatory but it is recommended since she is a nice lecturer. Made the class more intresting than it should be.
I take her writing 2 2023 fall. Professor D'anca is definitely a nice professor. She gives a lot of homework but there isn't any test. Her grading policy's great and as long as you keep doing your work you're gonna get a decent score. Attendance is mandatory. She kinda memorizes everybody's name and that's cool. I sat near the wall and the window.
Professor D'Anca is the best writing professor I've ever had! She demonstrates a huge amount of care and support for her students' success. The grades are fair and you are graded based on your improvement.
I love this professor so much. She assigned a lot of papers but many were just meant to build you up to the "real" paper which I thought was very nice and made everything a lot less stressful. Her outfits slayed everyday fr.