Basic concepts and issues in the study of human society. The structures and processes of human conduct, social organization, and social change.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegePersonally my favorite sociology professor so far!! This was my first quarter at UCSB and he was the best professor for me to take. Quizzes and papers are straightforward, attendance isn't mandatory but definitely recommended. Lectures can feel dense but it's all digestible and honestly super interesting!! Quizzes are based on lecture and readings.
145 was great! 3 quizzes with 2 sa and 10 mc, which he provides clear study guides for & a midterm + final exam that were take-home essays that you get 3 ish days to write. lectures were interesting, and grading was fair. all readings were online and skimmable. def need to do the work and go to class to really understand, but not hard to do well.
Dr. Turowetz has been one of my favorite professors that I have taken within the Soc Department. His lectures are incredibly clear but still touch on extremely impactful information that is set up cohesively throughout the q. The gradebook consisted of 3 in class quizzes (10 MC and 2 SA) 2 short essay assignments, and a final. Def take, very easy!
good class and interesting, but there are 3 harder quizzes and 2 major assignments. the final project is doable and fairly easy, but a lot of reading for the class. not sure if it was just the ta for my class, but very harsh grading. stay on top of readings, multiple chapters assigned a day.
I love Professor Turowetz, and I highly recommend him to all soc students. He teaches you so much, really cares about sociology and his students, and is very clear in how to succeed. I found the classes I've taken with him, of which there have been many, to be easy enough to get a good grade while challenging ones intellect and still teaching me.
This professor's lectures are simply inaudible and the questions answered in class are vague and unresolved. The exams were only scoped and the class review did not help. The exam is only 30 minutes long and then you have to write two answer questions afterward. There was barely enough time. the TA was also very harsh in giving scores.