Research seminar for special interest groups in psychology. Each special interest group has its own letter designation available in department office.
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeWeekly quizes and tests are the only requirement for this class. Lecture and slide heavy but does a great job presenting the material.
Keiflin's topic can be hard to keep up with, so make sure you are very interested in behavioral psychology research and the history. He really wants his students to engage with him and his lectures, so ask many questions! Very straightforward questions on tests, just take good notes, check with him when concepts don't make sense.
Class was super interesting and I enjoyed the material but the lectures were super boring partly because it was a WF 9:30AM class. The midterm rocked a lot of people but the final was super reasonable. Wouldn't say it's an easy A but if you keep up with the material, you'll do just fine. 40% midterm 40% final 20% quizzes based on lecture material
Professor Keiflin was so awesome, I had to come and write a review. He genuinely cares about his students and how they understand the material. The lecture may be boring and very conceptual, where it is hard to understand, but if you consistently attend lectures and genuine try to understand the content, you will be just fine.
best prof ever!! He teaches in a way that makes things understandable and as long as you understand the lectures you are set for the tests/quizzes. He has the book provided which isn't necessary for exams but reinforces learning.
Okay, the lectures were SO boring. Can't blame him tho; The material just wasn't for me. I don't know how you can make conditioning into a ten-week class. Got repetitive. Regardless, he's a good professor and his exams are pretty straightforward. Weekly quizzes 20%, midterm 37.5%, final 37.5%, participation (forum posts) 5%. Definitely easy.