Weekly seminar on topics of research currently being pursued in the department of physics.

No Prerequisites



Pass no pass


1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

Zvonimir Dogic
49 reviews
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Spring 2024 . Dogic Z
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Fall 2024 . Dogic Z
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
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PHYS 260G Dogic Z Spring 2024 Total: 0
PHYS 260G Dogic Z Winter 2024 Total: 0
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PHYS3 . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Typical physics class, but Dogic is honestly a pretty good lecturer. As long as you study and show up, understand concepts like any other class, you will do well. Also do the homework, questions are literally gonna be on the test. Lecture examples show up on tests. It easier if you like physics XD.

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PHYS3 . 2 Years Ago

A good professor that has insightful answers to any question thrown at them. Allows for a fluid flow of lecture material and helps bring topic points together. Class engagement is friendly, and students walk away ready to take homework while learning more from the problems.

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PHYS3 . 2 Years Ago

Dogic isn't the greatest at answering questions off-the-cuff (he'd often make mistakes when proving things on the board in class) but he's a funny and good-demeanored professor and I regret not going to his office hours more. Difficulty spike after the first midterm, but fully understand the homeworks on GauchoSpace and you'll be fine. Solid choice

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PHYS3 . 2 Years Ago

Right before the final, Dogic decided to give a bunch of new material and not even go over it in the slides. I don't know what he wants from us. Its so disheartening to study just for him to throw more stuff that hasn't even been discussed nor is it in the same chapter. He didn't even assign that chapter, he simply didn't say anything.

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PHYS3 . 3 Years Ago

He is one of the nicest professors I've ever had. It's obvious he genuinely cares about his students and will answer every question during lectures. His office hours are also super helpful. His lecture slides were very messy and hard to understand, so attending lectures is important to do well. The homework is difficult but prepares you for exams.

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PHYS3 . 3 Years Ago

Tbh not a good lecturer, but he's so nice and genuine that it doesn't even matter. Class moves at a slow enough pace that the textbook is all you need, lectures will just confuse you. Tests aren't easy but the HW prepares you well for it. Very fair grader, also unintentionally hilarious. Chill, down to earth prof with abundant office hours.

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3 / 50 Enrolled
Gauge Theories of Elementary Particles
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14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
88.6% A
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General Relativity
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09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
77.0% A
PHYS 235
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Extragalactic Astrophysics
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09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
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PHYS 239
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Physical Biology of the Cell
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14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
PHYS 250
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Special Topics in Physics
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14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
88.9% A
1 / 20 Enrolled
Physics Outreach
Jean Carlson 2.9