Rotational dynamics, fluid mechanics, gravitation, periodic motion, temperature and heat, thermodynamics.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProf. Caretelli's is, in my opinion, a "MID" professor but in a good way. His PHYS 22 is standard, nothing extraordinary, but is solid and well-explained. Midterms and Final are somewhat hard but a huge curve is applied. Most other people I know of loves his class as well. Grade: A.
Took PHYS 21 in F2024. Very standard. Material is similar to AP Phys Mech in high school, but it's focused on understanding and not just plugging in numbers from equations given. Only HW, midterm and final are graded, but all are reasonable. Grade wasn't curved (but phys 22 will be)
pretty good professor for Phys 22. Pretty rough class however Carateli is a good professor who is pretty reasonable.
For Phys 22, his class was very reasonable but he does have a very very tough final. Phys 21 was a good first course in Physics but his 22 class is definitely much tougher. Still great prof.
Good professor, solid lectures, and homework seems to be reflective of exams. Be prepare to study quite hard but his tests are very fair and reasonable. Very accessible for office hours so ask if you have any concerns about topics. Best part is that he really cares about quality of teaching so he is here for the students which is epic.
I took PHYS21. Professor Caratelli has great lectures and he doesn't waste any minutes on tangential topics. While some HW problems can be challenging, they help me to articulate and understand the material. His tests are fair and similar to the problems he went through during class.