Presents concepts and methodologies for understanding physical phenomena, and is particularly useful preparation for upper-division study in the life sciences. Oscillatory motion. Vibrations, waves, sound. Fluids. Electrostatics and DC circuits. Magnetism and magnetic forces. Induction and Faraday's law. AC circuits. If time permits: Heat and thermodynamics.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeNot too hard but you should go to lectures. Homework is a bit difficult but often harder than the tests.
Pros: I left his class knowing more about physics than I did with freund. HW is worth 40%, only one midterm and a final. Lots of in class demos Cons: Likely more effort than freund, and things you are expected to know for exams are less straightforward. More HW than freund, exams are a little harder, and less practice problems done in class.
This guy loves achieve, sometimes assignments almost every day of the week. Basically taught myself through the pre-lecture assignments.
He was fair most of the time! Midterm was very easy and always tries to cut down on material in order to save time and make the students' lives easier. His final was very hard unfortunately but just study a lot and you'll get well above average. Do the practice problems he posts and go to office hours. I wouldn't take him again but he was alright.
Unfair tester, totally screwed over the class with the final in 6B and 6C apparently. Just take Ernest Freund, he actually knows how to give a fair exam!
Great person, terrible professor. Just demos in his lecture, he even said that his "lectures are complimentary to the book". No amount of studying could prepare for the final, there were at least 8 questions on it that we've never seen before. It was purely to bring down the class average. Said there was going to be 30 questions but there were 38.